Hi everyone! I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I was having symptoms for the last 4 days but today is a lot milder, I'm just wondering is it normal for symptoms to come and go? I'm still extremely tired but the nausea is not there today, I don't have sore boobs yet but I didn't get sore boobs when I was pregnant to my 2 adult children until I was 8 weeks pregnant so I'm not to worried about that, I'm also urinating a lot more. Could some of you lovely women tell me your pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant I would greatly appreciate it, even though I've had 2 kids I can't remember everything since my last pregnancy before this one was over 20 years ago xx
Symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant - Fertility Network...
Symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant

Yes my nausea came and went in kind of waves and 5 weeks I hardly had any symptoms except some food aversion and on/off cramping x Congratulations!
congrats! I’m 4+6 wks today and have nausea that comes/goes, is particularly bad in the morning but settles once I manage to eat something. Do have some sore breasts too. I think it is normal for them to come and go xx
hi Asha82. I’m currently 6 weeks and 3 days do my symptoms from last week are clear in my head. I was worried too as there were few days where I didn’t feel nauseous and my boobs were not sore it then all came back couple days later. So it’s normal. I had an early scan 2 days ago and everything looks good 🥰 I checked my HCg levels too yesterday and they are 50,000 at the moment.
That's great to hear thank you for letting me know, my symptoms have come back really full on, I have really bad nausea and extreme tiredness
That’s great! Although it’s not pleasant but it’s reassuring. How do you coop with nausea? Mine is really bad currently and I’m struggling to find food that I enjoy. I have been sipping on water with lemon when I feel nauseous and also got ginger spray which helps a little.
I just lay in bed until it eases of but it happens when I drink water as well, I can still eat some foods without having to much nausea but I don't think that will last for long as it's starting to get worse over the days, I have my scan at 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant I can't wait
I'm just wondering what was your hcg level when you found out you were pregnant? My hcg level on 11 days past 5 day double embryo transfer was 365 and on day 13 was 874
My HCG when I found out was 734 this was 12 days post 5 day embryo transfer, I then tested again 16 days post transfer and it was 5000, tested again this week(just because I wanted to check) and It gone up to just over 50,000. It’s high but I think it’s within the norm. I messaged my clinic to check. Xx
That's really good, I think it would be normal as my level was similar to yours it was 874 at 13 days past I haven't checked since then xx
My clinic confirm it’s within the norm ☺️ yes yours was done a bit earlier so probably similar to mine now xx
Mine was done a day later then yours because I had 874 on day 13, did you say yours was 734 on day 12? Yours would be a bit higher then mine but not much xx
I meant the first one you had done on day 11 was earlier than mine on day 12. Mine on day 12 was 736 yours on day 13 was 874. I then had my second one on day 16 because there was a weekend there in between so that’s quite a bit later xx
Yeah I know what you mean, similar levels, I haven't had mine checked again as the clinic said there is no need as I have excellent hcg levels but I really wouldn't mind getting them checked again to see how they are looking now, I will probably have to get my gp to do it as my clinic won't want to xx
They didn’t ask me to check, I just went to get an extra one for a peace of mind. Xx sounds like yours are excellent and there is no need. to be fair I was probably a bit OTT doing an extra one haha xxx
Congratulations!! Mine fluctuated a lot very early on, in fact I called my midwife in a panic around week 6 because my boobs stopped hurting and I wasn't nauseous. Felt very silly in week 7 because I developed HG spent two months in hospital and at 15 weeks I'm still waiting for the second trimester to be the best part of pregnancy!
Thank you and congratulations also, I'm sorry to hear that you ended up in hospital, sorry what is HG? If you don't mind me asking what we're your hcg levels when you found out you were pregnant? Mine was 365 at 11 days past 5 day double embryo transfer and 874 at 13 days past
HG is hyperemesis gravidarum, it happens in about 1-3% of pregnancies which doesn't seem like a lot but when you consider how many pregnant people there are quite a few women suffer from it. It's a disease that goes well beyond normal morning sickness, it's completely out of control and you can't eat or drink and get dehydrated and malnourished really fast. I didnt do any blood tests early on, just a FRER at 5 days post transfer and had a really strong line so I think for me it was high from the start. Because it was such a strong line that got stronger over time we didn't do a blood test. While I was in hospital it peaked at around 200,000 mIU/mL though at around week 10-12 (cant remember exactly, I was pretty out of it), but its common for HCG to be on the higher end of the scale in HG patients. Hope that's helpful!
Thank you for letting me know, I'm so sorry you went through that, it must have been very horrible, I wish you a healthy easier rest of your pregnancy. Do you know what gender your having?
It definitely sucked! But me and baby are okay so grateful for that. Thanks, I hope yours goes smoothly. Not yet but we have booked a private scan after 16 weeks to find out. So far I'm the only one who thinks it's going to be a boy!
Your welcome and thank you, I feel like I'm going to have a girl but my partner thinks it's a boy lol