Posts - ERIC | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for January 2019

Help..4year old won't use toilet/potty to poo and doesn't realise he's done it in his pants!!!!

Hi I'm new here and desperate for help. My boy is 4 and we've been potty trainin...

how long for disempaction with movicol?

My son is 7 and going through dis-empaction, we are on week 3 of 8-12 sachets of...
ranmu profile image

Urgent: National news interview

We're looking for a parent or carer whose child has or is struggling with potty ...
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I’m new - 5 yo problems got worse since she started school

My 5 year old has been for a poo once in 2 weeks, last Friday I started using la...
Klew83 profile image

Movicol paediatric VS Cosmocol Paediatric

Hi has anyone had their prescription. change from movicol paediatric to cosmocol...
Warrior-1 profile image

Day wetting

My 9 year old boy is still having times where he is wetting, although infrequent...
mithical profile image

Accidents and disimpaction not working

Hey there My 10yr old boy did a disinpaction last weekend sat-tues eve got up to...
sasmcl profile image

Smartphone app testers needed

Here's an opportunity for young people with bladder problems to test and give fe...
ERIC-Charity profile image

Infrequent passage of soft poo

For a long time my child was on movicol. At first I think it helped but after to...
mummykj profile image

Undigested food

Hello, new to posting on here... My daughter has been going through her first di...
Janicewilliams profile image

Soiling - constipation or habit

How can you differentiate between soiling due to constipation or if your child j...
Sarah2208 profile image

💩💩💩 struggles

Hi I’m new to ERIC, my 10yr old LB has special needs as well as Encopresis. It’s...

6 year old with chronic constipation. At my wits end.

My son has been suffering from chronic constipation for the last few years. He's...
JULESMT profile image

How do you know when the movical has worked

Me again, how do you know when the movical is working, nothing on the informatio...
Eb72 profile image

Movical and soiling

My daughter is 4 and has struggled with number twos and passing since I started ...
Eb72 profile image

Disimpaction working!!!!!!!

So we had a bit of a break through today!! After multiple failed disimpactions, ...
Mandy7 profile image

At wits end

I posted on here not so long ago . My little poo is nearly five and regularly so...
Scillycat profile image

Withholding bowel movement

My granddaughter is 4 years old and since potty training we were having trouble ...

Movicol tastes DISGUSTING!!!

My almost 6 year old son has been switched from osmolax to movicol and he absolu...
Mandy7 profile image

2x failed disimpactions now doing enemas and suppositories

So after doing 2 disimpaction treatments in the last month, and no change, we ha...
Mandy7 profile image

No medicines are working on my daughter. Tried Movicol with senna/ sodium picosulphte/ biscodyl.

Hi. Apologies for the very long text but I'm at wits end on what could be wrong....
Ztoorawa profile image

Malem Ultimate1S for sale

I found it in my 12 year old's drawer this week. She wetted herself/her bed unti...

Here we go again

Daughter is 5 1/2. We’ve had a very good run with no accidents until this past ...
Sarah2208 profile image


On the 2nd January my son finally got seen by a consultant after 3 years of deal...
Clazb profile image

10 year old wetting the bed again... pull ups?

So my 10 year old son was dry around 8 and was now only having the odd nighttime...
Sara8 profile image

Could she be constipated??

We’ve been battling wee accidents fir nearly 3 years now..... just when I think ...
Iamskiff profile image


My daughter is 3 and has always suffered with constipation since weeks old she t...
Louise667 profile image

Oxybutynin to help with bladder control.

Hello, my daughter has been taking Oxybutynin to help with her bladder control, ...
Katyjustdoit profile image

3 yr old constipated and also with holding WEES!!!

Where does it end? Anyone experienced wee witholding? After a sickness bug my so...
Tursty profile image


Hiya, Just wondered if anyone else’s child with constipation issues is hypermobi...
Robinia profile image

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