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All posts for November 2019


So my 5 year daughter is on oxybutynin and is meant to drink 1.4litres a day. I ...
Jtax profile image

Medication problem

Hi I’m a new to this group my son 5 has childhood constipation. We were given la...
Mcallister26 profile image

Parental emotional impact of stool withholding. I'm so drained. Reaching out.

My daughter is nearly three has been on long term laxatives since the end of Oct...
RuthRosetta profile image
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Bedwetting Daughters accidents

Hi All. New here and Hoping someone can offer some advice. I have two daughters....
KatieDenis profile image

Looking For Advice/help!!

HELP!! First time posting after being referred to site from my GP. My little boy...
Adams-mu profile image

Overflow or too much lax?

Hi, Does anyone have any thoughts re this subject they can share with me? I am r...
Cath88 profile image

My daughter age 6 has a blockage on her bowel. She is on 20m of lactulose and 8 sachets of movical a day. This is going on the last 5 weeks.

Bowel blockage
Tentilltwo profile image

infections and constipation

Hi, my first time posting. I have a 5 year old who has had 10 urine infections i...
lisamidsy profile image

5year old not toilet trained- anyone with advice?

Hi there, My daughter turns 5 in a few weeks and started school in September. Sh...
Cazzlar profile image


HELP.! I need advice on how to teach my daughter how to use the Potty. I tried...
Dreems111 profile image

Thank you and follow-up

I wanted to post on here because 9 months ago a number of you really, really hel...
endotheline profile image

Help me please

My son who is nearly 6 has had bowel problems from a really young age. I've took...

My 5 year old son won't poo on the toilet

My 5 year old son won't poo on the toilet only in a pull up, we tried taking pul...

Can't poo on the toilet

Hi my son is 5 years old he won't poo on the toilet only in a pull up we have tr...
Charlotte011 profile image

7 yr old son fully incontinent and school refusing to help

Hi my lb is 7 P3. We are in Northern Ireland. He is currently using another chil...
Hidden profile image

Large poo

Poo 4 days worth under the pedatrian on medicine. It took 30 mins and a lot of ...
Purple2019a profile image

After 3 months off Laxido 7 year old is soiling again help!

My 7 year old daughter originally withheld at school one week earlier in the yea...
MrsSmith2009 profile image

Toddler diarrhoea at school

How do people cope with a child with toddler diarrhoea who is in school? Apparen...
Poppymum profile image

3.5 yr old constipated??

I am pulling my hair out as it has been almost 7 weeks of my 3.5 yr old pooing s...
Samk82 profile image

Potty training woes

Hello, I am currently trying to help my 4 year old daughter with her potty trai...
Artist83 profile image

Toilet training toddler with under active bowel

Does anyone have experience of this? My daughter has been on laxatives since she...
fifi_kate profile image

Toddler Constipation - born!

Hello! My daughter was born at 28 weeks, weighing just 2lb10. We spent 4 months...
MrsRG profile image

Day time wetting

My son is 26months and has been potty trained from 20months. Recently he has bee...

Incontinence following surgery for imperforate anus and hypospadias

My son is nearly 4 and was born with imperforate anus and hypospadias. he has ha...
Sazzy1057 profile image

Bedwetting in 8 yr old. Desmopressin and bed alarm not helping

My son is 8 and for about the last two years he's wet the bed every night, we re...
Robrees profile image

After 3.5 years of urine incontinence we now have answers

It's taken 3.5 years battle with the n.h.s for my dd who is now 7 years old .it ...
Heidi_hi78 profile image

Fear of pooing after constipation

3yr old had constipation a few days ago following an illness. Treated with suppo...
mummykj profile image

Child Bladder Incontinence, can anyone give me any advise?

This is going to be quite a lengthy post but I want to be sure to include all re...

Movicol dose help please?

Hi I need advice please! My daughter is almost 2 and a half and is currently on ...
Lauren_b23 profile image

The psychology of the incontinent child

I would love to understand more about the psychology of what is going on with my...
jilkei profile image

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