I hope this post isn't too long and self indulgent, just trying to get my head round a couple of things and hope someone can help...
I have had horrendous periods since about the age of 15 but when I first started at 12 they were pain-free. I would feel dizzy and sick, get diarhoea, go pale and sweaty and nearly pass out with the pain. The pain would sometimes spread down my legs but was mainly in my tummy, and pain would start a couple of days beforehand and stay bad for the first few days.
When I fell pregnant with my daughter, I didn't realise I was pregnant to start with because I was getting what I thought was period pain so was convinced I was about to get my period. When I found out I was pg I was delighted but of course worried as I was getting these pains. However the pregnancy was fine and eventually the pain went.
I had my dd by cs as she was breech and I breastfed. I didn't get my first period til she was about 6 months and I was relieved that they seemed to be less painful than before, though as I was still breastfeeding I didn't hold my breath! My partner and I had an "accident" when she was about 8 months so I decided to get a copper coil fitted as an emergency, I knew this might be a bad idea, but I figured if I didn't get on with it I could have it taken out - I didn't get on with hormonal contraception and clearly condoms weren't working for us!
The fitting was horrendous, I was in agony afterwards and bled quite heavily. My periods were defi itely heavier and probably more painful than before, but not more painful than before my pregnancy. Around this time I started to get what I thought was back ache and leg pain. It felt like period pain in nature but when I checked my dates my period wasn't due for a couple of weeks so I put it down to being on my feet all day on a uni placement. However I noticed the pain got worse and worse as my period approached, then I would have a brief pain free window after my period, then the cycle would start again.
I went to the drs. They said it wouldn't be the coil unless it was in the wrong place or I had an infection. I was investigated at first for fibroids, had a scan, coil in correct place, no fibroids, ovaries fine etc, but there was free fluid. Probable endometriosis was suggested. Had. Y first lap in may, minimal endometriosis at various places on left side where I was getting all the pain, this was all diathermied "successfully" and copper coil removed and mirena put in. Gynaecologist was satisfied they had removed it all and mirena should stop it coming back, but said I could arrange to see her again if I wanted.
When I had the op I was in a "pain free" part of my cycle. When I come round I had no pain whatsoever in my lower pelvis where I normally get the pain and where I had the "work" done, the only pain was from my belly button wound where I later got an infection. However about 2 weeks later I got crippling pain in the usual places. I was worried the infection my have spread internally so went to the gp. He assured me this wasn't the case and asked me where in my cycle I was. I was about a week away from my period, when I would usually get endo pain. He said this is probably what it was, but not necessarily mean the operation wasn't successful?! How can I still be getting endo pain if there is no endo there?
I have not had a proper period since having the mirena, just the odd bit of spotting, which is great obviously, but thing is I have been getting just as much pain if not more. At first it seemed to follow what would have been my usual cycle but with no bleeding, but now I just seem to be getting it intermittently all the time.
I have booked an apt to see my gynae in a couple of weeks, and I have been back to my gp just to get my pain meds sorted as I had let them all run out as I had hoped the pain would be gone!
So I guess my questions are: why am I getting pain if I have no endo? Will the mirena settle it down or is this as good as it's gonna get? Is it likely I had endo before my pregnancy and then it went and is now coming back, if so is it likely to keep getting worse? Would the copper coil have made the pair worse, if so will the mirena possibly make it worse too?
I hated my lap, I had an infection and it took me ages to get over, I really don't want to go through that again. I know many of you are far worse off so sorry for being so self indulgent. I also know I have seen similar posts before, but for some reason I am not finding them when I search. Any advice from anyone who has been through similar would be amazing.