laparoscopy or no laparoscopy... - Endometriosis UK

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laparoscopy or no laparoscopy...

8 Replies

Hi Guys!

I had a gynae appointment today to have cryotherapy on my cervix to remove some abnormalities! Turns out I didn't need it because they are getting better apparently and things are improving in general. When I first started the pill cerazette, things went from bad to worse for the first 3 weeks and I had constant menstrual cramping and bleeding, but now things have improved and I only get minor sharp pains and the occasional cramping! This has only been good for a couple of weeks though, and I know that sometimes it can come rushing back, so... touch wood! The down side is that I still have severe pain during and after intercourse and a new thing has come up which is the fact that I need to pee all the time and it hurts a hell of a lot if I don't go straight away and it aches afterwards, it's like a weak aching sensation in my abdomen and down my legs, and I need to sit down or lie down for a while until it goes away. I drink plenty of fluids, and have a healthy diet, and an infection has been ruled out. Does anyone else get this? Nonetheless, my gynaecologist is still rather concerned as the issue is improving but not totally! She wants to give it a few weeks more on my new pill to see if things improve even more, however she strongly suggests that I consider a laparoscopy, sooner, rather than later. We discussed this for a while, and the fact is, I am terrified! This would be my first lap. My gynae is almost certain that I have endometriosis, due to cervical abnormalities, plus I have literally all the symptoms! & this has gone on for nearly two years. The lap is the only thing left to do, to find out for certain whether I have endo or not, and the severity of it, even though in my gut I feel pretty certain too. This has gone on for so long now, and it finally comes down to this. The problem is that I am tiny, at 7 stone, 5'2 and a 24 inch waist, my gynae has said this will increase the risks of invasive surgery a lot!

On top of that I am all booked up for the summer, with work, work experience and holidays! I have no room for a lap at all this summer! Then I start college in september and I would certainly not want to miss the first couple of weeks! My gynae really thinks this is for the best, and so do I really as It would hopefully get to the bottom of this problem once and for all! I'm not really sure what to do as I have no space or time for one at the moment, even though she said it's better to make a decision soon... I'm not really sure what to do. I put it down to this; If I am in so much excruciating pain, as I was before, then I will book an appointment asap! But if things continue well, as they are now, or improve then I won't go through with it unless I really have to. I don't know whether I should jump in and get it over with or leave it and hope for the best. I'm worried that even though things seem to be improving, perhaps they're not, and I've just gotten used to the pain so much I don't notice it as much, and I am worried the longer I leave it, the more damage it will do to me. What do you guys think? X

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8 Replies
hayls profile image


That's a tough decision to make, and one you need to make completely yourself armed with all the relevant info/considerations. To me it sounds that you have the info and that your gynae is really supportive. I also know what it feels like to have a fully booked diary and feel like you have no idea how to fit something like a lap in! If it helps, if it was me I think i would book the lap, often the list can be quite long, this would give you time to see if things continue to get better over the next weeks/month with the option of then cancelling the lap, but if things did get worse you might find comfort in knowing that you already have a lap booked. Also from experience, you never know how you are going to feel, fingers crossed you'll be fine over the summer and the work etc you have planned won't be interrupted but it may be worth factoring in that you could be ill anyway over this time regardless of whether or not you have a lap.

Good luck with whatever you decide and fingers crossed you're summer goes as planned x

Chrissie66 profile image

Hi Sophie

I think you need to have the lap. Both you and your gynae are fairly sure that it is endo, but the only way of diagnosing it definitively is via laparoscopy.

You're young and a laparoscopy is not really hugely invasive unless they treat what they find in there at the same time; if they just want to go in and have a look it's a tiny procedure these days, and you should bounce back really quickly.

Just get it over and done with; that way you'll know what you're dealing with, your gynae will know how to treat it, and you can get on with your life without it hanging over you :)

Good luck, love!

C x

Aquitaine profile image

So here's the problem: there will never, ever, be a good time for a laproscopy. You're busy now, but you'll be busy in the Autumn.... and then in the Winter.... and then in 2013. Meanwhile, if you have endometriosis it is potentially getting worse, and so more difficult to treat.

Personally, I'd do it sooner rather than later. As Chrissie says, this gives you and your gynacologist the information you need to make good decisions about treatment. If it's endometriosis, then getting the treatment right can make a huge difference to the quality of your life. I think if the doctor is recommending it, then it's probably a good idea. In general, they don't make recommendations that aren't a very good idea.

My own experience with laproscopy was very positive. My surgeon did a great job of finding and treating the endometriosis. i was allowed out of hospital later that day, and was able to start work again a week later (although to be honest I wasn't at full strength). Obviously everybody recovers at their own speed, but honestly I feel better now than I have for years.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

medicmum profile image

I recently had my first lap. I will not lie, it was not a minor procedure, I totally underestimated the recovery time and unfortunately I had an infection and needed 2 weeks off uni and a bit longer to feel back to normal. But I'm glad I had it done as I got a diagnosis and I know they have done all they can to treat it. The uncertainty before was driving me mad! In hindsight maybe I should have waited til my summer break to do it as I ended up having to miss an exam, but uni were really supportive anyway. It sounds like there really isn't a good time for you so perhaps it is just better to do it as soon as they offer you the apt.

Just make sure you prepare yourself, do all the housework, fill the freezer up and make sure there is someone around to look after you and run errands. My partner was doing overtime when I had mine done, and I wish I'd had the foresight to ask him to arrange to be home more, or arranged people to drive my daughter to the childminder as I had to do it myself when I was really too sore! It's not all that bad really, as long as you are prepared and let your body recover properly. Good luck!

learidd profile image

It is a good thing to have a lap so they can diagnose you with endo but mine came back 2 months later after they ablated it it sounds like it dosnt stop you from doing things so it might be you have a lot of endo as its weird the less endo you have the more pain you get if you do have it done get them to fit the mirena coil while you are under as I didn't and have just had to have it done and wish I had it on my op they offer that way there is less posibility of it coming back good luck and I'm sure you will make the right decision for you xx

Hi Sophie,

I agree with all the above! I would absolutely 100% have your lapo. That way they can diagnose you properly so you can be treated in future but also treat any adhesions you may have now. To treat this condition now can save real problems & heartache in the future. I am 36 and was only diagnosed 6 months ago even though my GP suspected endo 4 years ago & I have been suffering for longer. I am now trying for a baby but have decreased chances due to adhesions & ovarian cysts caused by the endo.

I'm not trying to scare you but just to say that if you keep on top of this and your medical team are aware of the extent of your problem, it will be much easier to keep it under control.

Definitely find time to have this done now if you can. And don't be afraid of being too small, I am petite too but laporoscopic surgery is the least invasive you can have, though like Medicmum I underestimated the recovery time.

Good luck - another Sophie! xx

averall23 profile image

Hi Sophie

I would also definately have the lap asap. Everybody recovers differently but I personally only needed to take painkillers for a day afterwards as I had hardly any pain. I was then I bit slow at getting around for a few days and general tasks tired me out more than normal but after a week I was more or less completely back to normal. I even managed to do 2 walks that were about 2 to 3 hours. So the lap may not take that much time out of your schedule as you think. And I was really nervous too but it really wasn't that bad and If I had to have one again I wouldn't hestitate. You really need to get this sorted as you do suffer alot and you don't know what damage the endo is doing. I know you are young now but one day you may want children so you really need to do everything you can to fight this. Even if your pain is getting better that does not mean that your endo isn't getting worse. And I agree with what another lady said you will never have time nobody ever does but I think one day you might regret not getting it done.

Good Luck xxxx

lirbaby profile image


My advice would be to have the laparoscopy. I have had two previously and was very glad I had both done. I was able to go home in the evening for both and was only off work for a week both times too. The first time I was also very worried about having it done but afterwards it was a relief to know what was finally causing the pain and had no regrets!

Good luck x

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