Hi, im new to this thread and currently waiting for my laparoscopy appointment to come through to hopefully diagnose endometriosis. They have said waiting time is around 3 months :(. My symtoms are..
Pain during sex and after sex. can sometimes feel pain for hours or days after.
Lower abdominal pain that feels like constant period pain
Dragging pain in my bits which sometimes i can feel down my legs. Almost feels like something is being pulled out (sorry for tmi)
Recent pain during urination in my tummy
Random lower back pain that becomes excruciating quickly
My mum had endometriosis.
My concern is that the gynae consultant has said if they dont find anything during the lap then it could be psychological? This is really bothering me and with the pains and the difficulty with having sex i really hope they find an answer to my problems. Its really getting me down this now.
Can anyone shed any light and relate to mt symptoms?
Thank you in advance.