Hi, this is my first post here.
I had an MRI at the end of last year confirming widespread deep endometriosis including adhesions with my right ovary stuck between bowel. I was put on monthly Prostap injections & Tibolone while waiting for surgery. I also have a mirena coil in already.
I absolutely hate being on Prostap 😡 so I'm constantly trying to decide if I should stop them. I had my 4th last week. Side effects I have are:
- Insomnia (can go days without sleeping)
- Hypersomnia
- Mood Swings; I've never really struggled with moods but can go from fine to fuming in a split second for no reason now! It's rare I cry normally but sometimes I have to stop myself from crying multiple times an hour now
- Muscle & joints aches
- Worse bladder symptoms & had a urine infection the 1st month.
- So tired, all of the time, just no energy!!
- Brain fog
- Headaches
- Hot flushes & flashes
- Nausea & even worse appetite than normal so weight loss too
- Dry skin: didn't matter if I missed a day or 2 before but now I'm using hydrating toner, face oil & cream 3 times a day & even then can get dry, itchy, flaky, red skin around my mouth, nose & eyes. Also needing vaginal moisturiser to prevent irritation.
- Dry eyes
- Hair loss (thankfully not clumps)
- Poor Mental health: it's a really stressful time anyway but I definitely noticed feeling lower even when I first started Prostap. It's strange though because it doesn't feel the same as Depression. It's not constant. It kinda acts like my mood swings, changing all the time so sometimes I'm OK. It definitely changes throughout the month & is best just before the next injection.
On top of all that they don't even seem to be doing much/anything for my pain/symptoms. I haven't had any vaginal or rectal bleeding since starting Prostap, but I had very little period wise before because of the mirena anyway.
I recently had nearly 2 weeks where the pain was better than it had been. I had a day or 2 with no painkillers! and was able to do more I was hopeful the Prostap was finally working but the pain crept back up & a bad flare started 2 days before the 4th injection. It's improved a little since but I'm still needing paracetamol, naproxen, tramadol, tens & hot water bottles every day atm.
It seems the little hiatus was just my normal Endo fluctuations. I think the Prostap is doing a very small amount but symptoms wise it just doesn't seem worth it.
I don't have a date for surgery other than hopefully in the next 3 months. I just don't know if I can cope much longer on Prostap, the whole thing is just getting me so down. I feel like I have no life at all. I only feel remotely human the last week ish before the next one.
I spoke to my GP about changing my HRT so they wrote to the gynaecologist 6 weeks ago. Long story short, he's recommended I try Oestregel along with Utrogestan. I had to chase it up & send the GP the letter from gynaecology but they've still not sorted it.
I'm feeling lost, lonely & desperate.
Has anyone else had similar experiences on Prostap? Has anyone tried Oestregel & Utrogestan?
Any tips/advice on coping with side effects?
Has anyone been told the Prostap made the surgery easier/better even if it didn't help your symptoms?
Thanks for listening. I'm sorry for the really long post!🥴