I’ve been on prostap on and off since 2014.
My latest set of 3 monthly injections started in June 2020, they were great, stopped all pain and I was happy. Fast forward to December 2020... and the HRT I was taking alongside the prostap is no longer available due to COVID-19 so I was given Estrogel pump gel and utrogestan tablets. I had my 3rd prostap injection on December 18th and started my new HRT the same day. By December 28th I started with severe anxiety and since then I have developed many symptoms including palpitations, shortness of breath and aches and pains in my back, tight chest and globus sensation in my throat. All of which come and go many times throughout the day.
I don’t feel overly anxious anymore (like at Christmas) but my GP thinks it’s caused by the long term effects prostap and menopause with anxiety on top. Every symptom I get I Google it and worry more that I’ve got a serious problem with my heart. My GP ran some bloods, listened to my heart and did an ecg which all came back normal. He’s given me some propranolol for Anxiety and told me to try it for two weeks and get back to him and if it doesn’t help he’ll go down another route.
I’m not going to have any more prostap injections and will be cancelling my next appointment in March in the hope once it’s out of my system I will start to feel better and my symptoms especially the shortness of breath will stop.
Has anyone else experienced shortness of breath or severe anxiety with prostap?