I'm awaiting to see a bsge specialist due to my symptoms returning following a hysterectomy a year ago for fibroids/adenomyosis. I'm in a flare, which isn't improving and the past couple of weeks my ribs have been really hurting, especially at night. They were excruciating at first but now only hurt at night. I had this a few years ago and was diagnosed with Costochondritis. I remember someone asking if I'd ever had pain in my ribs. I'm not sure if it's linked?
New pain in ribs?: I'm awaiting to see a... - Endometriosis UK
New pain in ribs?

I have no idea if it’s linked but can confirm I have this too… think we’ve crossed paths before so you know I am currently undiagnosed however…
Back in my last ‘bad flare’ in December for 3 weeks it felt like my ribs were on fire/doused in acid/cracking. It had me up in the night, terrified I had some weird bout of Covid and I was going to die..luckily my partner reassured me I was still able to breathe properly/without trouble so wouldn’t be that! I get it all over, sharp pains in the centre (slightly to the left) which makes me think I’m having a heart attack, and then the heavy general ache as described above all down the sides and sort of radiates down into the abdomen/flanks!
It subsided after the worst period of my life (entirely dysfunctional/unable to move/biiig clots) and then sort of went tapered off?!
I’ve had a it a few times since (albeit mildly) particularly around ovulation which I’ve just had! I find it’s worse in the morning, eases off during the day and then can come back in the evening/at night! Have had it on and off for years, dr thinks I have fibromyalgia but she can’t actually make that diagnosis until other things been ruled out..I don’t think I have fb, I’m fairly sure my female organs are playing hookey, at the very least my hormones are chaotic!!!
Two things
1) supposedly it could be thoracic endo but that’s a bit of a minefield and not much is know, I believe there is a thread on here where two ladies discussed their symptoms who had actually been diagnosed with endo on the diaphragm but it’s really rare!!
2) I’ve come to believe this one most..I read somewhere that the ribs/diaphragm are a mirror of the pelvic region. So when the pelvic region goes haywire the diaphragm/ribs compensate and reflect stress/pain/discomfort etc I have found that I get the rib pain most commonly after my period and/or ovulation or when I’ve had bad bloat/pelvic symptoms so this makes sense to me! As if my ribs/diaphragm have been doing loads of work to support the carnage in my pelvic region and then once it’s over they ache and collapse, almost like your legs would after running a marathon!
I can try and find the article/paper if you like?
I do see a chiropractor, she thought it was odd, and could be costochondritis. However she checked my ribs and found not much wrong. She said my lower two ribs where ‘tight’ and not moving much when I breathe which was a little odd but after she adjusted me I found no real change in symptom. So not a mechanical type thing. Same went for my lower back/pelvis. She tells me mechanically I am very good/supple/nothing wrong/screwiff ergo likely pointing to ‘endo type stuff’
I hope that helps! No advice as to how to ease the pain. I can attest though that an ‘endo diet’ has been drastically reducing my symptoms the past 6 or so weeks?!