Hi wondered if someone could help. I have just been diagnosed with endometriosis saw a gynogeoist last week.
I did mention the pain under my ribs he didn't seem to think much of it. It's got to be the worst pain I've ever experienced plus the pain I have in my ovaries a week before my period during and a week after. It's ruining my life it's gotten worse over the past 4 months. I used to be active go to the gym swimming and I only go out once a week on my bike now which isn't me.
I am meant to be training for London to Brighton on road and Winchester to Eastbourne off road .
Breathing in currently is very painful, laying on that side, I find pressing it and hot water bottle helps or helps mentally anyway. Sometimes the pain feels like someone is sticking a burning sharp rod inside my stomach twisting and turning for a few moments, goes then comes back. Also feels like it's being stretched like a tearing feeling. Has anyone else had this?
Every month it seems to get worse that the last.
They want to try me on the oral contraceptives pills . I've googled them two of them do not seem to be the best at all and the other has so many side effects.
I used to be on the depo but came off as it made me put weight on.
I am dairy intolerant but still get such bad spots and rash type on my face. I've read somewhere that endometriosis can cause bad skin too.
So other yay this sucks moment.
I've tried to explain this to my manager as some days I can barely stand up straight how am I meant to drive to work...
Any answers would be great, don't really know what to do.