Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience of neurological conditions alongside endo - I was diagnosed with endo 6 or 7 years ago but recently have been having all these weird spasms started off in my neck and head and now they go all down my back and legs, they've got worse (have been to GP and awaiting bloods) it's not exactly pain it's almost like a split second of weakness or numbness. The way I described it to the doctor was like a computer screen flickering off and on, when it goes into my legs it feels like I could collapse They are going to check my B12 and iron among other things but just wondering if it could be connected to my endo as I've also had the usual fatigue but have started getting achey muscles too 😲😖
Endo and neurological conditions - Endometriosis UK
Endo and neurological conditions
Hi, It sounds really scary what you're describing dynamic_erin.
Although I can't 100% say it isn't endo related. I had similar symptoms and it did turn out to be a B12 deficiency. It's good your GP is checking this out.
Hopefully it is something simple for you and nothing too sinister 🙏🏻
I have nerve damage to the Trigeminal nerve in my face. When I am stressed or in pain with Endo I grind my teeth in my sleep. My jaw locks and clicks as I have TMJ. So I have a gum shield to protect my teeth. I have to have steroid injections every 6 months. This in itself can make a person disabled.
Then the Endo. As if that’s not enough!! I also have Crohn’s disease. If Endo and Crohns flare at the same time I am hospitalised.
I have had all 3 flare at the same time and it was utterly horrific.
I see a neurologist as it’s classed as a neurological disorder, I don’t quite know how, but there you go. slightly different to your case, I wanted you to know that scary combinations of chronic illnesses and disability exist. It’s the double incontinence that makes me disabled according to The DWP and I have mobility problems.
Hope that helps in some way? 💪🏻💛