HiiiiiI have had a vaginal ultrasound scan done as it's been years jus after covid I have had this horrible pain that affects my breathing n goes in to my left thigh. I have always been suffering from homeonal acne since I was a teen however my pms/pmdd symptoms hv been so bad since 2020 doctrs fobbed me off with seteralin amitriptyline naproxen, it's in ur head live with it. I was fed up of doctrs because I felt neglected until my pains got worse with the copper coil it felt like someone is twisting me down there. Th results came back I have adhesions and my uterus is stuck n suspected endometriosis now sh says yes u was right u have endo we will refer u to gyne it took thm years to take me seriously the pain jus gets worse or chnges with each cycle I am scared of the laporascopy and of any homeonal contraception due to what it wil do to my body because of th depo n implant I hv hd in the past the pill wasn't too bad but affected my mood evn worse n my acne did subside but pills are a risk just incase if I miss one. I jus need any advice about how the pain wil go n does anyone else experience this especially during ovulation for a full week feels like pressure n tingling pain. What wil you recommend I know it is my period that I troubling my body because my acne gets worse breast tender feel very sick I am very sick of this every month it affects my marriage at times n I have children I want to b a hands on mother to my kids n there to lisn but I'm alwys in pain n also suffer from brain fog n vertigo
Need advice on endometriosis plz - Endometriosis UK
Need advice on endometriosis plz

Sorry it’s such a rough time and all the gaslighting you’ve had.
What medication are you on? It can help to have decent medication.
Lap isn’t as scary as it seems, it’s hard to be specific about results with this disease unfortunately, everyone reacts differently.
Jus naproxen they gave me for the pain that's all they want me to try the mirena coil for the pain I have got an appointment at the umbrella clinic soon jus so scared of the homeonal issues that come along side it
The coil is their current go to, I never tried it, unfortunately it’s a case of trial and error with it all. There’s lot on the forum about the coil if you do a search.
Naproxen can be helpful, did they give you something like omeprazole as well to protect the stomach? Diclofenac suppositories can work really well, same family as naproxen. Tramadol can work well for Endo and if you want to avoid opiates there is Nefopam. It’s worth discussing other things to go alongside the naproxen with your GP if the naproxen isn’t enough.
Have you tried any other hormone meds? Don’t let anyone say you have anxiety, you’ll know when it’s hormones rather than real anxiety, the effects can be horrible.
Remember you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, they can’t force you or blackmail you to try the coil rather than any other options.
Thank u for ur reply moon x
I am on omoprozel on repeat for past 3 years for my gastric pain iv been suffering from that for years that am sick of taking. I knw I need to detox my gut with alot of prebiotic medz or go natural even it's mad how it affcts evything in your body, mine is definitely my homeoneal related as it all started after I had my son and slowly slowly got worse. Doctors jus experimenting on us like guinea-pigs tbh evn they do not understand I had to cry to my gp for a referral when my results came back sh said oh u was right that you have endometriosis, I suffer with back pains n th pain goes into my legs whn it's active esp in the morning I find it hard to get up but literally hav no choice. Definitely wil go for the coil as I know its my periods that are driving me insane, hopefully my acne will clear up and my mood wil stabilise.
I’d be pretty sure gastric pain is related to the Endo, they just don’t know enough to be sure.
Jessica Duffin does podcasts about diet for Endo, particularly anti inflammatory, might be worth checking out.
It’s worth trying, will they put it in under anaesthetic?
There will be lots of Guinea Pig stuff going on as they have a lot of years to play catch up in research for this disease, I’m sure that’s the only reason Gynae saw me and doing MRI. I had a dr try to tell me I had IBS, backtracked quickly when I said it doesn’t exist and I’d still want to know what the irritation was 😂 admitted that it’s a term they use when they don’t know. That was a private consultation with a vascular surgeon about possibly a different condition, not even gastro has suggested that to me 🤣 knew better
Hello Moon_maiden I want to share something with you and everyone who has endometriosis , I did my first laparoscopy on 2018, my endo was still there since then because the dr couldn't take it all away , I find out there is a suplement from DXN I've tried it but stopped using it because it was expensive, I went back on it recently I had MRI scan where the Dr told me they couldn't find it, and I meant to have my second laparoscopy, I went on a strict diet and exercise before my mri scan
The DXN suplement called Reishi Mushroom.
So now no operation which is great I hope I can share it with everyone
That’s great the supplement seems to be working for you. I’ve tried lions mane, didn’t do much but will look into that one.
Hi, sorry your going through all this and in pain.
I had a laparoscopy and it was pretty smooth sailing. As far as surgery goes you get put under and don't notice anything.
Had to pee before they would let me go which I struggled with then took about 2 days sleeping propped up to get the gas to escape my body.
Under a week of shuffling round like an old women to being able to walk normally again. Though they say rest I actually had to help take care of family who caught COVID 😅 so you can still do some things just make sure you have easy meals ready and try keep physical stuff light.
Belly button will never be the same but it wasn't that important in the first place, took a good year and a bit to sink back down flat.
Bruises were interesting to watch heal as they went from belly button down abdomen.
I got the mirena coil put in if they found endo which they did. Progesterone is supposed to prevent it growing so I felt the need to have something even if it was just preventative.
Some on here find it works perfectly for them. I have gone back because the pain came back after a couple of years. Took one year to settle into it but that was mostly bleeding related.
I appear to have something else going on along side the endo so hopefully I get that sorted in the next year or so.
I hope my experience will give you peace of mind.
Though I have read on here a few times you can have an endo diagnosis from specialist in endo from transvaginal ultra sounds and MRIs so might the worth fighting for that if you have young children as it can take a little while to get back to normal after surgery. But I can't speak on those things as I haven't had those experiences maybe you can find some on here to take reference from.
Good luck with your medical journey I hope they help you find a solution.
Thnk u sooo much for your kind words hopefully the coil can help. There are women hu have been suffering for years it's sad but i guess we have to keep going to get by n hopefuly we find some sun somewhere down the line
Hi dear. I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through these past few years until now. It can be really confusing and the doctors sometimes won't even give us much answers. I also experienced painful cramps especially on my pelvic, lower tummy & thighs to the point where I had to go to ER for stronger painkillers. My current treatment is that I'm under medroxyprogestrone which cause a menopause like symptoms on me but I'll be having my period every 3months. I kid you not, during my period it will be even longer and the pain persist even after I'm not on period at all. As much as it sounds, it does help my life now since I'm able to hold a job and not hesitate bc I had to take alot of leave due to endometriosis. So you can try to discuss with your gynae to try vissane bc it's much more helpful for us with endometriosis.
Laparoscopy surgery can help you alot but it doesn't take away the pain. It will come back again but it will actually helps to removed the endo tissues & reduce the pain. As far as I know, it's quite a good option especially if you have stage 4 endometriosis. It can be scary but you'll be ok. Usually just two tiny cuts and they'll removed any endo tissues they found but you still need to rest. Good luck dear on your treatment. Hopefully it helps