Finally it's taken all this time now special consultant has made appointment for 1st June for next stage which should be operation. I ain't leaving hospital till they arrange it. I've been through hell and back with them, they have left me to suffer in server pain and no bleeding way more heavy. I think endometriosis spread more through my body, its effecting my nerves. I suffer bad pain in legs arms,shoulders, stomach left and right side stomach. Bottom back also and I cant walk much with being in so much pain to point I'm in tears. I'm concerned about this appointment because before they was trying to force me not to have operation and I said to them look it's my body I will make the decision and I decide I will go through operation no matter what. They also keep trying to put coil in me and I've told them no!!! They once went behind my back to get it put in but I refused as none of that works at all for me and before I've had bad experience and ny body has ended up having a reaction from it. My body is very sensitive to items since this endometriosis alot items rejecting my body. Even food etc.
Fingers crossed and advice plz!! - Endometriosis UK
Fingers crossed and advice plz!!

Hi sweetI'm not sure what advice you need lol! But have you considered using a walking stick? I use mine even in the house now, it takes pressure off my hips and legs really does reduce the pain!
You're right to say it's your body and your decision, so glad to hear you're taking control and saying no! So many people get bullied into having hormonal treatment, when they genuinely have no idea if it will actually help or not. I've heard so many stories of people having trouble on hormones, yes some have a good experience, but many more like me have a bad one! So your absolutely right to say no this isn't for me.
All the best for the next appointment! I hope they get you on the surgery list soon, I've been on it as urgent since September last year and there's no date on the horizon any time soon. So the sooner you get on the better, because it could well be a 12 month wait or even longer if you're unlucky.
Hi, so glad you have an appointment, and definitely say no if you're not happy with the treatment options. I had a coil fitted 18 months ago against my better judgement. I was persuaded as they said the medication and pill I was taking was a very expensive way to manage my condition! I bled for 3 months and then it fell out. I wish I'd put my foot down.I really hope it goes well for you.
Best of luck with your appointment, I'll be thinking of you. X
Hi thank you so much for replying I'm so sorry u had to go through all that. Dont let them ever force u into medication or contraception's etc like coils,implants tablets because it's all lies they tend to do that to stop u going back so they dont have to do much work and deal with u. because it's hard f never let them make u feel like u need to be silent no matter what I know it's hard but find a way with confidence and tell them what's what. I think they hate me because I put my foot down I always believed what they was telling me until it wasnt working and I was going backs and forth and they kept giving me tablets so I had enough came out my shell and I say it how it is now. I dont and will never allow them or anyone try controlling my life. We know are bodies they dont. We always go by what are hearts telling us to do and are mind but mainly heart because are bodys always right no matter what. Hope they get of there bums and help u the right way. I'm nervous about this appointment because specialist doctors wanted me not to have op and I turned round and said "it's my body my choice" I know everyone that's had operation has had endometriosis spread because being left so long and I know 100% it will never go and will always come back but 6 months with no pain and bleeding I'd rather have that. Pain killers that dont work .
Hi, Thanks for your reply. I won't be making that mistake again. I can understand you being nervous. I have a scan on Monday and I'm worried everything has got worse, and what they might want to do. I've always said no to surgery. I guess we need to go in and be strong, as you say it's our bodies and we're in charge.Take care X😊
All the best hope ur op goes well and yh same here I know my body and feels like spread and got worst I'm more scared it's gone to my bowel that's 1 place I wont allow them to op on due to I dont want to wee and poo in bag I dont have confidence with myself as it is in ugly and fat and ain't having bag as well I wouldnt cope with that. Bad not coping with all this and mental health on top let alone changing wee and poo bag.. take care and keep in contact. X