Hi lovely people. I know this is personal and you prob can't answer but just looking for other people's experiences. I had my mirena fitted on Sep 13th. This was my 3rd after 2 x 5 years being fine but this one took multiple appointments and eventually went in with the help of a hysteroscopy. I know it took a while to settle last time but I can't remember having cramps so much. I've taken iburofen every few days since. I do think it's in the correct place as my period didn't arrive but I'm now overthinking
How long for mirena to settle: Hi lovely... - Endometriosis UK
How long for mirena to settle

They say up to 6 months! My first Mirena took a little while but it eventually settled. My current one has been nothing but a bloody pain. Had it put in in Feb and tempted to take it out because it’s causing too much jip. But it has stopped my periods so I don’t know
I’m on my fourth Mirena and every one has been slightly different, but the worst one took around 6 months to settle, so I would say hang in there if you can. You could always ask for an appointment to check placement if you have any worries about that, although if you can feel the strings yourself you should be ok, particularly as you say you haven’t had a period.
I had mine put it on the 14th sep during my surgery. I feel you ! The cramping is the worst, I had a period tho when I was due one which was super super painful. It’s so annoying that everyone is different and experience it differently. I was told 3 months it’ll start to chill and 6 it’ll b normal. Hang in there xx