So, I finally took some advice and had my GP refer me to BSGE in Cardiff, I had a letter this morning letting me know that I've been put on a waiting list with a consultant with the least waiting time. My question is, how long did you wait from referral to actually seeing a consultant?
How long did you wait?: So, I finally took... - Endometriosis UK
How long did you wait?

I was referred back in May. Initially they gave me an appointment for September, but this was brought forward and I had a scan on the 12th of July. Went back to see the consultant yesterday and was put on the waiting list for my first surgery (they are planning 2, possibly 3). I'm being seen at a centre in London.
I had my appointment with my GP end of April, saw the consultant end of May and am scheduled to have surgery in 2 weeks. I am being treated at the BSGE in Winchester.
Thanks for replying. That's really fast! I have an apt with my normal gyno and have been waiting 6 months so far already, so hopefully with the bsge I'll be as lucky as you and joreilly.
I have been seen by the team in Cardiff, I was referred by the gyne team at the Heath and waited 8 weeksish! Hope this helps! They are great in Cardiff!
The referral as done November but not sent until January due to cock up at the doctors. I only found out by chasing them. The first appt at the bgse was end of may. Hope this helps
I was referred to BSGE in April after asking my gp to refer me. I had to give her all details/fax numbers etc as she knew nothing about guidelines for endometrosis 2013. I then heard nothing. Phoned up end June and got a cancellation appt, then got sent a letter saying I needed a MRI scan first and this had been requested and to cancel the appt. So I did. Then I heard nothing, MRI scan had no request, secretary said she would speak to consultant still a blank despite emails and phone calls. In the end I phoned PALS again, complaining the story of my life but it saved my life last time!. PALS have now sent me another cancellation appointment which is sooner than end Oct. They said no MRI scan had been requested as had to see the condultant first and it was my own fault for cancelling first appt. I have sent them a copy of the letter that the scretary sent to me. Fuming but at least I have an appointment for August. After all the issues 2-3 years ago I'm back on the roller coaster ride again. Failed colonscopy, severe pelvic and rt side pain is no joke. Endo is a horrible disease and mis communication doesn't help matters. I thought I was cured over 2 years ago when I had major surgery but the endo lives on. They do recurrent miscarriage service at the endo centre which I didn't know existed luckily I just had 1 miscarriage out of 3 pregnancies. I try not to moan but it's not easy. Thank goodness I always chase up my appointments. I said to the PALS I always attend my gynae, obstetric appts I wouldn't be here otherwise. 2 pre eclampsic pregnancies and total hysterectomy, appendicectomy, bilateral ovary and bowel surgery due this horrible disease!