hi I have had prostap im on my second injection now and I have really bad insomnia is this something anyone else has !? I’m always exhausted and snappy I have little energy all day and jus cannot fall asleep …
insomnia off prostap.. anyone else - Endometriosis UK
insomnia off prostap.. anyone else

Yes,I am also on my third dose.i experience serious insomnia.i guess it's part of the side effects of the injection
Do you manage to get any sleep ??? I drift off till 2/3 am n then that’s it I’m awake and I’m like a zombie the next morning while getting the kids ready for school 😩
hi Sara, yes I used to have the same problems it was awful but prostap for me was a game changer as it gave me my life back!100 people 🤷🏼♀️100 opinions🤷🏼♀️we are all different with different problems. I am 42 stage 4 endo,2years ago the pain totally floored me and I had to stay at home for 5 months we couldn’t get the pain under control .till I agreed to Prostap! So my advice it’s your only second injection it will get better believe me😍but also remember they put you in chemical menopause and it is one of the symptoms .i also had terrible mood swings which I didn’t like but it’s gone too🤷🏼♀️I had HRT along side with them and it did help .i was waiting for hysterectomy which I am finally having next Friday 😱
I had 24 of prostap injections
Let the body to deal with it☺️
Any questions text me happy to answer anything 😘😘😘
Yes it’s took my pain and bleeding away.. but I hate intercourse and I cannot sleep… I am on estrogel for the HRT part… i love it for the pain side of it I’m confirmed adeno and deep endometriosis or how ever it’s spelled…🤣
Yes I am on my second injection I’m hoping it gets better I jus wana have a good few hours of sleep.. only thing is I forget to put my gel on some days maybe that plays a big part 🤔🤔
You need to have a combined hrt so if you’re using oestrogel then you need progesterone too - utrogestan is usual one used for endo sufferers.
The insomnia is definitely menopause related so hrt should help. And if it doesn’t help the insomnia id say try another hrt. Good luck.
I have had three prostap injections. I find I can get to sleep but I wake up with night sweats and then I can’t get back to sleep. I find if I get up and make myself a hot chocolate and drink it in bed it helps me get back off to sleep. Have they offered you any form of HRT with it? This might help? I also sleep with two fans on me. I find this helps a lot, but my poor husband says it’s like sleeping in a wind tunnel 🤣

Yes I have the hot flushes through out the day and I’m very hot in bed thankfully my husband loves he’s fans so we have a fan on anyway.. also yes I am on estrogel but I forget to apply it some days 🥸
oh god ur poor husband must hate it🤣🤣
Are you on estrogen and progesterone? You need both to be able to sleep. You need both anyway - you can't take estrogen without progesterone. You also need magnesium glycinate this is the game changer. Have the utrogestan (progesterone) half an hour before bedtime. Then do all the other sleep hygiene stuff like a shower and getting off your phone and no alcohol. I sometimes take an antihistamines sturgeron (only from your pharmacy) and that can help. Don't drink fizzy drinks or anything with caffeine after 12pm. We are all different and the advice is right to give it time x
Hi hun I have the mirina coil in for the progesterone and I have the estrogel but I forget to put it on a lot of the days …. Thanks for all ur advice I do be on my phone on TikTok till late just scrolling 😩🥸
I'm the same I've been having the prostap injections for nearly a year now. I'm irritable to the point. Especially when I'm due the injection and after. I suffer with pain as well after the injection. I call myself the human guinea pig with all the medication I have. If you have suffered or are suffering with MH issues that's normal to feel snappy and irritable. Of you ate concerned about it I would advice seeing your doctor I know its easier said than done but if you say it's for MH reasons they will book you an appointment. If you ever need to let off steam I always ring samaratians hu. I hope this as helped you in any way. Take care and remember your not alone in this doll xx