So I finally had the results from my MRI and it has confirmed endometriosis was found.
It was honestly just utter relief. I nearly burst into tears.
I have been going backwards and forwards, having test after test, advocating for myself, being gaslit by different gp's, for years and now I finally I have my answer.
Although I'm now more confused than ever because I really don't know what to do next.
I am really worried about having a laparoscopy, obviously I'm worried about the risks and recovery as I have 2 young children and I'm terrified something will go wrong. And also that it might grow back.
I have tried the hormonal route ( the pill, and Mirena coil) in the past year and I had horrible side effects from both, and a lot of pain with the coil. I would be willing to try again I suppose, my consultant wonders if it wasn't placed correctly.
Im interested in the zolodex injections, but again worry about the side effects.
My biggest worry is that the endo will get worse and grow. It has been found near my rectum and I already have horrible bowel symptoms so I worry it will become more serious over time.
My consultant has been very good from day 1 and has listened and really tried to help get me an answer. He sent me for the MRI as I asked for one as he knows Im not keen on surgery.
If I did go ahead with surgery he would be doing it. But I don't think he is classed as an endometriosis specialist. His speciality is in urology.
There is a specialist centre near me ( Im in the North East) so I don't know if I should ask to be referred?
I think I just feel a little overwhelmed by it all.
love to everyone x