I'm due to finally have surgery to remove endometriosis in 2 weeks' time after 12 years of trying to get doctors to take my pain seriously. I've had an MRI previously which showed endo behind my womb and on my uteral sacral ligaments, but I also have bowel and bladder symptoms. I met with my surgeon today and he said he thinks my endo is severe and will likely require an overnight stay.
I'm feeling very anxious and overwhelmed, both about the surgery and how effective it's going to be long term. I've tried birth control pills in the past (most recently a progesterone only pill as I began having migraines on combined pill) to keep symptoms at bay but had horrible side effects (mainly depression, anxiety and low libido) so I really don't want to try any others. However my surgeon strongly advised I have a coil inserted during surgery to prevent the endo returning. He recommended trying Kyleena as this has a lower dose of hormone than Mirena. I'm not sure what to do. I know that progesterone only birth control effects me mentally but being in this much pain isn't sustainable. I just want to feel good mentally and physically but I'm losing hope that this is possible with endo.
Has anyone not taken birth control after surgery? And if so, how long did it take for endo symptoms to return? Am I being naive thinking surgery will be enough to keep me pain free?
Any experiences greatly appreciated 🙏