Mini pill causes acid reflux/gastritis? - Endometriosis UK

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Mini pill causes acid reflux/gastritis?

Jessieb92 profile image
5 Replies

I've been on the progesterone only mini pill (desogestrel) for 18 months now to help with endometriosis pains before I have surgery (hopefully early next year). 2 months after taking it, I noticed I was getting recurring acid reflux, lots of burping, and a bloated gurgling stomach so went to the GP and they prescribed a PPI (15mg lansoprazole) and diagnosed gastritis, saying this was likely stress-related (I'd just started a new job). This improved the reflux slightly but for the past few months my gastritis keeps coming back. It's making me feel so depressed and hopeless; I've tried everything to help - I have regular therapy which has improved managing stress and anxiety greatly, I've tried different diets, don't drink alcohol or coffee, don't smoke, eat small meals and avoid fatty greasy foods. I've been so miserable this weekend as the burning pain and bloating in my stomach is constant. I eat a small bowl of porridge in the mornings and even that sets it off. After some Googling I found some people on Twitter shared my experience and said the mini pill gave them constant reflux and a few articles suggesting this. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm terrified of coming off the pill and my horrendous cramps returning, but this is too unbearable. I feel like all the joy's been taken out of life as I can't enjoy any food or drink. Could this even been linked to endo?

Any advice is greatly appreciated ❤️

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5 Replies
Avourneen profile image

I had this and found out it was due to a hiatus hernia. Which may be caused by diaphramic endo. Your GP is very poor stress doesnt cause gastric reflux and he/she has made no effort at all to investigate. Go back insist you need a refferel to a gastroenterologist , they with give you a gatroscopy and check what it is.

This pain could be caused by gallstone, gallstones are very common if you have endo because very high levels of oestrogen cause them. It could be caused by an ulcer or a hernia like mine.

You need to see a specialist, most GPs are clueless, especially about endo, and just spend time fobbing people off to keep waiting list numbers low for the government. A GP freeind told me that at their prectice as wellas nasty letters from consultants they recieve a sort of fine if they refer too many people. Make a fuss or pay and see a gastro specialist privately if you have the money. Don''t accept being fobbed off.

Jessieb92 profile image
Jessieb92 in reply to Avourneen

Thanks so much for replying 🙏it's validating to hear that stress doesn't cause this - I feel like I've worked so hard to get stress/anxiety under control so I knew that didn't sound right.

Really useful info re gallstones and diaphramic endo - I'd never heard of that.

I saw an endo specialist a few months ago who referred me for surgery and I was even a bit disappointed by them just disregarding my complaints about acid reflux. They just don't take it seriously at all even though it effects your life so much.

I've got another 4 months wait for surgery so I'm just praying it improves after that if I make sure to tell them my symptoms in the pre-op appointment so that they have a proper look. I'm on day 3 of not taking the mini pill so going to see if that does anything. If no improvement in the next week then I'll push for a gastroenterologist referral.

Thanks again for all your advice.

BloomingMarvellous profile image

progesterone/ progestins by their very nature are relaxants of tissue add to that the shift in hormones ie oestrogen suppressant of higher dose progesterone can cause change in the biome of both the stomach and gut. These changes are similarly experienced in menopause too with the metabolic changes.

Stress well let’s park that one to the side because I sense it’s coming from a “let’s park that one in the emotive camp diagnosis game “ ….Endo can produce more cortisol from its tissue all by itself which can only add to the general uproar in the digestive system. This is disease induced stress not “you” suffering external stress or by “being” stressy.

Things you can do get the endo really sorted as acid reflux and the biome upset can only led down the road to the bloating and IBS game. Consider pushing for surgery if you’ve not done so. You may have endo constricting your gut or tissue in the ailmentry regions. Get the surgery to check for stomach bacteria and bowel bacteria that maybe cause of your symptoms ( commonly a change in ph can enable overgrowth of Small Intestine or H pylori in the stomach both which need treatment) . Worth exploring anti inflammatory approaches and also working on your pelvic floor physio - try @heal-endo by Kate Edmunds both on Instagram and her book. I found removing lactose, potatoes whilst using a Mediterranean type diet very helpful with adding in a number of supplements like Omega 3, Milk Thistle and Quercitin ( digestive enzyme but also an endo suppressor according to double blind studies )

Jessieb92 profile image
Jessieb92 in reply to BloomingMarvellous

Thanks v much for replying and for all the useful information ❤️ So interesting about progesterone/progestin relaxing muscles - I'd read a Harvard medical study saying this but there's no further info other than anecdotal evidence on forums. That's reassured me a lot. I feel like it must be related to the pill - it's just too much of a coincidence for it to start 2 months after taking it. I quit 3 days ago and have been super strict with anti-inflammatory diet, taking probiotics and slippery elm for the past 4 days. Today is the first day I've had moments without any acid reflux which has felt heavenly! Probs too soon to say if it's making a difference though. Still on PPI as well because every time I try to stop I get rebound acid but hopefully I can try weaning once I've reduced the daily symptoms.

I have another 4 months to wait for surgery but will definitely get them to check stomach bacteria. I didn't know endo can produce more cortisol from its tissue as well. Really seems like my gut is just in a terrible state atm but I am going to be strict with these changes and hopefully that will improve things.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your reply.

BloomingMarvellous profile image

It’s commonly used to relax the cervix around delayed births (ie cyclogest ) and is well recognised as a problematic issue for those with Elheric Danlos syndrome as further loosening tissue.

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