Day 3 post op: Had diagnostic lap on Wed... - Endometriosis UK

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Day 3 post op

me94 profile image
12 Replies

Had diagnostic lap on Wed where they found endo on left side. Since the surgery whenever I pass urine it hurts lower right abdo. Has anyone else had this?

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me94 profile image
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12 Replies
Pinkybow profile image

To be honest anything I did hurt 3 days after surgery, urinating and bowl movements. If your worried though give the pain nurse a ring or your Dr. Hope you have a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

me94 profile image
me94 in reply to Pinkybow

Thanks for the reassurance. I gathered it could be from healing. Thank you x

Bex218 profile image

Hi I just wanted to say I’m in a similar situation to you, I had my lap Tuesday and endo was found on my left side. I struggled with going to toilet for the first couple of days but now it’s backache. I can barley walk

me94 profile image

Hey, aww hope your recovery going ok. Was your pain pre surgery on the left pelvic area? They found deep and superficial endometriosis on my left side but was getting right pelvic pain before surgery. Even after the surgery I hurt more of right side. Do you have pelvic pain when passing urine? Sorry to hear about your back pain 😞

Bex218 profile image

That’s so weird because i have only really ever experienced pain in my right side. Sharp stabbing, burning pain which feels like a knife, when they told me they found endo on my left side I was so confused I asked three times did they mean my right side. I haven’t been feeling very hopeful considering my left side was okay to start with. It’s interesting you have the same thing. Passing urine is okay at the moment it before my lap I use to get a sharp pain in my tummy sometimes

me94 profile image
me94 in reply to Bex218

Oh wow glad u found someone that is experiencing the same. As I thoughtnitnwas weird also that they found it on left side but I was getting pain on and off I'm randomly in the month like one day I could be fine then the next day it could hurt. Pain for me would sometimes be sharp or dull ache and sometimes it felt bruised. Also found it flared up mostly in the evenings after a busy day. What was your pattern like? But worse when on period or ovulating. Is that the same for you? Also sometimes I would get back pain on lower right side also. I thought maybe it was an ovary problem or appendix so was shocked to hear that I had endo on left side. Did they remove it for you? Aww okay I'm still experiencing sharp pain in right side when passing urine and before op that would happen on period also x

Bex218 profile image

I’m feeling happy that I’m no going crazy and we have very similar symptoms! The hardest time for me is probably when I’m ovulating, I always get confused whether my appendix is playing up or if it’s my tummy as they are both equally as sharp. My general symptoms are very sharp burning pains, sometimes I have to scrunch my tummy up or hold it, usually a bad headache which leads to a migraine and lower back pain where it feels my back is going to snap. Then I can experience that pain randomly throughout the month, sometimes worse than other times. My periods are varied too, sometimes they are so bad I can’t walk, vomit and shake. Where as other days they are completely manageable I just get a bad back.

They told me they removed what they found on my left ovary and sent it off for a biopsy. It’s hard to tell if I still have the right sided pain at the moment my whole tummy feels like it’s burning and funny sharp pains. Did they say what the next stage is for you? Xx

me94 profile image
me94 in reply to Bex218

Yeah I can defo relate to that I thought I was going crazy also. So your pain that flares is also lower right? Did you find it flares in the eve or was yours throughout the day? Your symptoms sounds worse than mine as lucky I was still able to just about manage mine even though when it was there it did hurt but mostly a dull ache. Did they found it anywhere else for you? Mine was a dignostic lap and was convinced that they wouldn't find endometriosis. Gynae surgeon found it deep on left side near bowel then superficial left side pouch of Douglas. She didn't remove it so will still have the pain. Just weird that nothing was found right side where i get the pain. Unless the pain can radiate to that side from endo on the left? She said she would refer me to an endo specialist for mri and probably excision surgery. What is your plan? Also I got started on destrogel birth control pill. I was on combined pill before but stopped that end of August as my blood pressure was so high. Even with or without the pill it made no difference to my pain x

Bex218 profile image
Bex218 in reply to me94

They sound like they have a good plan for you, no idea what mine is. I was on some strong drugs when I woke up so can’t remember what the surgeon said but I have a follow up appointment with my gynaecologist in February I think. Oh that’s interesting that they didn’t remove it, must be difficult to get to. They wanted to give me the coil but it’s too stressful as I can’t really tolerate physical examinations so the thought of another stress being inside me isn’t for me.

I’m so use to the pain now I can’t really remember when it’s the most noticeable, I’d probably say later afternoon going into the evening usually. Always always my lower right side in-line with my hip bone and slightly down. Feels like I’ve stabbed out of no where and then it goes again.

me94 profile image
me94 in reply to Bex218

Yeah I'm glad they are not just leaving me like this. As I do want it removed. So cause the gynae consultant couldn't remove it that's why she is referring me to a specialist but prob a long wait 😫Was yours only on left ovary? It's good that they could remove yours during the op as then hopefully you won't need further surgery anytime soon. Did you think you had endo before the op? Yeah exactly where mine is. Glad I found someone that is also going through the same thing. Are you on any contraceptives? What pain meds do you take? X

Bex218 profile image
Bex218 in reply to me94

I’ve always known something isn’t right, had the symptoms since I was 15 and I’m 27 now, difficult as not everyone understands and I don’t want to look like a baby who can’t handle a period so I feel better now there is an issue. I take Menfematic acid which really helps my period pains as well as the odd day where the pain is worse than others. I was on Dianette, real 50/50 as I don’t like the idea of an artificial hormone but I don’t think I’ll have much choice. I hope the waiting list isn’t too long and you get the help you need xx

me94 profile image
me94 in reply to Bex218

Aww you have been suffering for years. When I first got my periods when I was younger they were always super heavy but don't remember getting pain. I was on birth control from an young age to reduce the bleeding which worked. Then I went on depo injection when I was 22 I think and was on that for years which stopped my periods but a few months before I stopped the depo injection that's when this pain started so I thought maybe it's cause I haven't had a period in so long so came off it but then the pain started to occur often so that's when I went to gp and they did a ultrasound and found a small fibriod which they said wouldn't cause pain but I thought that was causing the pain as nothing else showed on scan. The gp referred me to gynae last Dec had appointment with gynae last March and that when she said it could be endo and that she will put me on the list for the op to see what is going on. Then had the op last wed so I was lucky that I didn't have to wait too long. I'm glad that they have found what is causing the pain for you also. As it is reassuring when you get a diagnosis. Obviously endo isn't a nice thing to have but at least we have something that is causing the pain. I take dihydrocodiene when it's bad then take amitriptyline every eve and naproxen when pain is bad. I hope the wait isn't too long either. Hopefully you may get some relief now yours has been removed 🤞 once you're healed from the op. I'm 28 so we are basically the same age x

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