Ha all, sorry to repeat what may have appeared hundreds of times before... Iam nearly 3 weeks post total hysterectomy, everything removed and stage 4 Endo excision.
I am still really struggling with pain, whilst the initial severe post op pain has subsided, just sitting down and laying in bed, I am still getting what I can only describe as ovary/period pain, dragging into legs?! Which is ironic as don't have any ovaries now!
Good old Google suggests I should be able to walk ten minutes after week two and heading to 30 mins walking after week 6.... And don't even mention the guilt of being off work (self employed so added pressure)
It's just I had assumed, with the pre op advice that things might have been improving more significantly by now. I am literally doing nothing, reclining in chair with feet up, day nap in bed, doing puzzles, trying to read, watch TV, assisted showering is exhausting.
Think I just need to hear that this is normal, I'm not being lazy or imagining or need to kick myself to just hurry up and get on with it.
Teary, sad, fed up, emotional, frustrated blah blah blah
Would be lovely to hear any shared experiences please......