Are Food supplements worth a try? - Endometriosis UK

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Are Food supplements worth a try?

GreenQueen-99 profile image
5 Replies

Hi all,

I have recently been hospitalised with an endo flare requiring a significant amount of opioids to help with the pain.

i have read online that omega 3, turmeric and ginger root supplements are good at acting as an anti-inflammatory and are helpful in relieving long term chronic pain.

I was just wondering if anyone has tried any of these supplements or have any other suggestions?? And whether they have worked for them??? Or worth a try?? I would prefer to go down the holistic route before adding a pill to my mirena coil. I have surgery booked for March 2023 also, so just anything to get me through until then!!

Thanks! :)

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GreenQueen-99 profile image
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5 Replies
CryBaby91 profile image

Hey GreenQueen, love the name!

I've tried various supplements with ranging success and failure lol. I honestly believe we have to take a whole approach to our condition, so we tackle it from multiple ends. Supplements are a good start and can help on top of things like diet changes and exercise. I haven't found anything yet that has worked 100% but, I have noticed that probiotics help with bloating :) peppermint tea really helps with shoulder pain and bloating too. Chamomile is great for relaxing you and helping sleep. You can even get ginger tea for the nausea and turmeric tea for pain. None of it relieves the pain entirely, but honestly anything is better than nothing!


1880emma profile image

So I have found that NAC and also Serrapeptase work really well. I’d say the Serrapeptase has been a game changer for pain for me

I got myself off needing morphine 24:7 for pain and back being mobile with using supplements and specialist physio. It needs to be particular to your needs of course, at correct dose, done for at least 3 months to assess and good quality. I used to be a complementary practitioner specifically treating infertility and pregnancy so am used to people not necessarily understanding the need for proper supplements over a period to support a problem. It’s all to easy to go desperate hunting on the shelves or internet for answers and not getting the results that you deserve ! Knowing where to spend a limited budget is key 😬

There are a good selection of double blinds - not just on mice for supplements with metabolic pathways that tackle various associated endo pathologies. If you can’t afford to go to qualified nutritionist who has endo awareness then that’s where I’d start. It’s important to check out and let any medic know what your adding to the mix as there can be considerations with other things you might be taking . You’re not necessarily asking for approval here because it can get mixed response but just open conversations that mean it’s being done safely.

Top of my own list including a Mediterranean type diet are Omega 3, Milk Thistle, Probiotics, Reservatoral and something called Levagen. Epsom salts are a lifesaver either as a bath or footbath. Others will have other go to’s am sure.

EmB18 profile image

I think it's worth throwing everything you've got at endo. For me I would say it was the combined approach of taking supplements, changing to a more anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle factors like managing stress that made a difference to my endo symptoms. The stress is a big factor with endo symptoms and can be a vicious circle as living with endo is stressful! If I get busy and let the lifestyle stuff go for too long like relaxation time and doing some gentle walks or yoga, then I can start to get some symptoms back even if I've kept going with the diet and supplements.

polly-carter profile image

Sorry about your severe pain- mine was only moderate but high strength fish oil and turmeric have significantly helped ease my pain - best of luck

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