After suffering for 24 years with excruciatingly painful and heavy periods, and loads of other symptoms, I have been told I will have a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy when they will check my tubes and take biopsies. It has taken years to convince GPs that something is wrong. I've been diagnosed with adenomyosis recently and my new consultant here in Australia is shocked that no one has ever suggested to me to have a laparoscopy even after 3 failed IVFs (when I lived in the UK) and around 7-8 years of ttc without even a hint of a bfp to check for endometriosis. I didnt have to ask her or beg her and her shock was clear. Thank god I have found someone who understands and who has listened. The down side to this is here it is a year wait currently for surgery given Covid. A weight has been lifted already and as strange as it sounds, I can't wait to have the laparoscopy done.
Finally 😁: After suffering for 24 years... - Endometriosis UK
Finally 😁

So glad you’ve found someone. Shows the UK is so behind with this. The more I hear, I think I must have been incredibly lucky.
Do they have a cancellation list? I’ll keep fingers crossed it happens sooner.
Yes I think the UK is so behind too! I actually had a scan in the UK not long before I left for Australia but had to beg my GP for it saying that if it weren't for not having fallen pregnant yet, I would have a hysterectomy. Funnily enough it was an Australian sonographer who picked up the adenomyosis in the UK and so when I got to Australia, I was able to tell my new doctor about it in January and even with covid, I had a telephone appt on the 19th May and then a face to face appt on the 2nd June and now just to wait for the appt to come through. I will ask them about the cancellation list, that's a good shout, thank you xx
Great news the operation will make your life so different, when I had my lap 2 years ago 4 1/2 hour op 3 procedures as it was quiet a lot of endo stage 3 around bowel, fibroid removal and also around my bladder.
My recovery was great and I’ve not looked back.
Just be ready for first period after that was quiet strong pain but you will be used to that so have the meds ready.
Best of luck - hope the wait isn’t too long.
C x
I'm so hoping it will and that I can finally get to the bottom of the pain and the cause for my infertility. Thanks for the heads up, will allow me to prepare for it in advance xx
For sure you will & I lost abit of weight as you don’t realise how much endo pads you out.
I’m rooting for you and your easy recovery and then to plan your next steps 🙏💙 best of luck do some meditation my anxiety before was much worse than the op that part was good x your going to get all the answers
it’s taken so long to get X