I’ve got this cramping feeling in my lower stomach/upper pelvic area. It almost feels like period pains expect I am not on and not due on for another 9 days.
Should I be worried?
I’ve got this cramping feeling in my lower stomach/upper pelvic area. It almost feels like period pains expect I am not on and not due on for another 9 days.
Should I be worried?
Hello, hope you are OK whats the severity of the pains? are you taking over counter painkillers – Apply heat as well and best give your GP a call to discuss with them, could be ovulation? early period? so many things.
Hi I hope your okay!
I never know when I’m due on as I also have adenomyosis I’m on double dosage pill so I’m not meant to have any bleeds however I do! And I bleed more times in the month then o actually don’t but I get these pains also when I’m not bleeding and I know a few days later I will.. if your concerned ring the gp for some advise or even the endo helpline
I haven’t been diagnosed with endo but I feel like I may have it. The doctors have said I don’t but my health anxiety always makes me doubt them...
I am on the contraceptive implant and had no issues before hand so I think maybe it could be that?
I personally had a lot of problems on the implant but everyone’s bodies are different if your instinct is telling you you want a second opinion don’t be afraid to ask! I have been through 3 different doctors surgeries over 4 years and finally getting the help I need. Your never alone
I have already been to multiple doctors and they all said they doubt it’s endo and for so long I had no answers. I had an ultra sound about a month ago and the gyno found a cyst; she said it was a simple cyst that is probably coming and going each month and nothing to worry about. I am going back in a few weeks and will ask again about endo as I want to be sure!
I am also wondering if the implant is what is causing this cyst.
I’m not sure if it can be related to implant maybe do some research on side affects to implant? I have been offered the coil which side effects does include increased chance of Ovarian cysts and as I have a history with cysts I have refused tht. So maybe if you find that the implant has the same side effect it’s worth asking help for removal and other options. With endo you need doctors who specialise in it and there’s so many tht haven’t a clue!! I found that my newly qualified dr had so much more knowledge about it as recently it’s being more acknowledged. Don’t give up and maybe it isn’t but at least you can rule it in or out to get to the actual problem of what it is