Hey, had my first lap 5days ago (stage 4 endo) and felt surprisingly ok... However yesterday I started feeling really sick to the stomach and dizzy/lightheaded. Has anyone experienced this? I would have felt it was a normal reaction but not 4/5 days later... worried. I tried to call 111 but did not get through. xx
Sick and Dizzy a few days after lap - Endometriosis UK
Sick and Dizzy a few days after lap

Coincidentally, I had my lap on Friday which is 5days today. I felt quite okay days after it. But I feel really lightheaded when I stand for long and when I try to engage in little chores. And my stomach hurts a bit when I try to bend. But I feel better when I lay down or drink fluids and of course after I take my pain meds. Hope this helps you. xxx
Yeah oh wow snap, mine was Friday too. I'm guessing its normal then. Fab! I feel like maybe its my body being deceptive.. I was laid back for 2 days but then i went out on Sunday just to sit in a theatre.. maybe it was too much too soon. Thank god for pain meds eh.. Was this your first op? What was your outcome if you dont mind me asking? xxx
Glad my little experience helped!!!😂 yes this was my first ops. With faith, I hope I won't be needing another. I've been booked to see my doctor next week to give a thorough review of everything. Maybe I'll keep you posted then
Hi! Do you have a temp at all?
I had exactly the same thing without the temp. I was really sick the night of my op it took the nurses a lot of medication in my iv overnight to get it under control. That was the Monday / Tuesday then by Friday I was feeling really sick again and dizzy.
I found sugary tea and flavoured sparkling water helped. And oatcakes 😹
Really hope you feel better soon, mine lasted about four days, but maybe call 111 if it’s causing you worry xx
Thanks for replying, i dont have a temp just the sick and dizzy feeling. I tried to call 111 yesterday and they didnt pick up but i asked my hubby to get some anti sickness tablets and it seemed to work so if i get that feeling again then i will take more... it was more strange because i was fine for first few days.. may be becuase i was getting up and moving around. Gonna have a sofa day today again... I will defo try sweet tea mmm and lots of biscuits xxx
Hi I had this after one of my laps it was a reaction to the anaesthetic (I’d been under before without this reaction) I felt particularly grotty for around two weeks and I was given an anti-emetic by my GP.
Make an appointment and get checked out 111 is full of potential corona virus sufferers so they are totally overwhelmed
Thanks for the advice. I will defo make an appointment- i just had a thought it may actually be the activated charcoal im taking to get rid of the gas. its great but maybe it has side effects too.. xx
You should try peppermint tea I was recommended it by a midwife after my first csection. Wished I know about when I had my laps.
It’s also good for the digestive system which can be on the go slow after surgery I still have a cup after my dinner every night
hey, had surgery 2 weeks ago, had a bit of dizziness as well but this goes away with some rest. <3 Hope you feel better soon!!
Thanks for letting me know... It seems to still be happening for me on and off... Its usually in the afternoons or when i eat. I called doc and she said I may have a very mild case of stomach flu... phew not coronavirus. but yeah apparently thats doing the rounds aswell xxx
Yeah it takes a bit for the digestion to get back to normal as you sat in bed for days. And please try to avoid any chance of getting corona, your body is still recovering as you can see xx (hope I don't sound like a nagging mom)
Hey, I had the same.
It's quite normal when our body is putting a lot of energy and resources into healing. We often forget that we need extra nutrients during the healing process! My specialist let me know about this for my second lap so I was better prepared and didn't have as much of the dizzyiness / sicky feeling. The healing process really kicks in about 3 to 7 days after surgery and we only notice the effects of low nutrients because our reserves are depleted, the anaesthetic has been completely flushed out of our system and we start to be more active.
My specialist suggested a good multivitamin, splitting meals out smaller and about 4 to 5 a day, spread out. Try to have more complex carbohydrates and proteins as your body will need these to repair muscle and combat dizziness, also the carbs will settle the stomach. So things like sweet potato, eggs, wholewheat bread, mueseli, brown rice, beans and pulses. I found adding in Complan, as my 11 o'clock meal really helped for the first two weeks, It's a range of drinks which provide all the vitamins, minerals, and nourishment of a full meal, it cam be made into milkshakes, hot drinks, smoothies, i've added it into porridge before too, you can have a bit of a serving and have the rest later.
Hope that helps x
Great! Thanks that makes alot of sense... I will definately make sure follow these guidlines again when I next have surgery (as its very likely)... I wish I had some good advice like this before too as Ive been racking my brain and wondering what kind of horrible illness I have caught.