Hello ladies,
This is my first post, I am new to this page and very thankful for it.
I had my surgery Tuesday 19th, which was to remove a 5cm cyst on my right ovary. I was told in recovery that there was no cyst but I had stage 4 endometriosis. Pouch of Douglas obliterated by adhesion. I was not told why this was not removed, all i was told is that there are numerous ways that this can be managed.
Day 4 and I am confused and emotionally broken, I do not know what my next steps are. The medical note says follow up is in 4 months. I do want to have children in the future. I have been on all kinds of contraception (which was meant to help with the cyst since 2010). 6 gynecological internal examinations all suggested a cyst, how was this missed?
Can surgery get rid of the endo on the pouch of Douglas?
Any success stories of one getting having children after endo?
Sorry if I am all over the place, I am looking for answers and some sort of reassurance that all will be well.