I had my endo removed and dense adhesion cut 10 days ago. My adhesion was so dense and 3,4 adhesion wasn't able to be cut on my right side. I had to stay overnight as my lap was late afternoon and I took sometime to recover in the recovery room.
I feel a bit better after a week. However have sever pain (more severe than before lap) when my bowel moves and aching tummy. I know it is only 10 days so I can understand aches and pains. My pain pain with bowel movement is so severe and it doesn't seem to get any better. My tummy is still swollen quite a lot.
I was told they have washed my tummy with some water after the operation to prevent further adhesion. The night I had my lap I had some leak from on of the stitches. As I was staying in the hospital, a nurse changed my dressing and that was it.
I have been feverish since I come home. I get night sweat every day recently but I feel cold. I don't have temperature.
Is my severe pain with bowel movement get better? Is my leak usual thing? How long does it take to my swollen tummy to go down? I have difficulty bending down as my swollen tummy is in the way.
Should I visit GP?