Hello, has anyone been told that their iud (mirena) may have perforated their uterus? How was it rectified?
I have an ultrasound booked for Monday to check as my GP (UK based) thinks this might be the case as I had it fitted over 3 weeks ago and I'm still in alot of pain (45-60mg codeine with paracetamol 4 times a day, plus mefanemic acid 3 times a day). I had to have the mirena put in under GA as I have pain just with speculums let alone anything else (passed out) . So of course I'm now freaking out about if they say it has perforated, how do they get it out? Is it another surgery? And if so how quickly should it be done is it an emergency where it's the same day or do I join a normal waitlist for a gynecologist?