I had my lap surgery on Thursday and it went well. Since I've been home I've felt quite anxious and found it hard to relax. Has anyone else experienced this? When I first came out of hospital I didn't feel too bad, I think I was just glad to be out.
Anxiety after laproscopy: I had my lap... - Endometriosis UK
Anxiety after laproscopy

i experined the same feeling! it was really bad but 2 weeks after surgery i am feeling much better did you have work done on your ovaries?
Hi, it's totally normal to feel anxious and worried. It's all part of the healing process. Keep thinking about the positives. The surgery went well and you can look forward to the future. Positive thoughts helped me with my anxiety. Also, lots of good comedies!! The more you can train your mind into being positive, the better. Also, try not to overthink things. I'm a culprit for that. But it does you no favours. Find plenty of positive distractions and keep focused on a successful recovery X

Thank you! That really helps. I am definitely one for over thinking things. I love the idea of the comedies I'll have to get onto that. I'll also try to think positive!
Having a general anaesthetic is a big thing, give yourself a chance to get over it and that includes emotionally! Perfectly normal to feel this way after any operation!
Hey , I literally had mine on Wednesday and I’ve also been feeling like this , I think like all the meds they give you in hospital make you feel abit spaced out after . Even the pain killers I have they are making me feel abit funny I’m on day 4 now after the op and I feel abit more normal today , hope you will start to feel ok again too
Are you taking codine? That made me very anxious after mine.
It is normal to feel anxious. I felt the same with my first lap. Give yourself time. It will get better.
My surgery was 4 & a half weeks ago and I have found the same. After the surgery I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders 20 years of chronic pain and I finally have an answer but it only lasted a few days until my head went crazy. I'm angry it took so long to diagnose when for 19 years I've been back and forth to the doctor's and hospital how it got so bad I am now unable to have children and if my husband stays with me he will never have one. I was offered no treatment plan or after care and was told anything about this horrible illness . I've had to Google everything and join groups to find out whatever I can about it . I'm angry upset releaved and scared tired and still have pain . My surgery was supposed to be a quick half hour surgery nothing to do with endo ..4 hours my surgery was with a diagnosis of a chronic life long disease I had both fallopian tubes out a cyst on one scarring on both fallopian faucets adhesions everywhere and my right ovary was binded to another organ . It's been a lot to take in and am finding myself crying for no Reason I'm so emotional. So angry . One thing I have found that helps is talking about it I even wrote down how I'm feeling it was 15 pages long. I am starting to feel better and you will too. Our bodies have been through a lot and it can take its toll mentally . You've done the right thing my saying this is how you feel.. don't be afraid or embarrassed to tell people . I hope you feel better soon and I'm always here to talk if you like . 💛
I had my surgery 2 weeks today and I found myself feeling really anxious emotional and numb. I'm starting to feel better now x