Living Hell (SORRY FOR THE LONG POST) - Endometriosis UK

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Rachel1989 profile image
4 Replies

I guess I should start from the beginning. I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts at 12yrs old. My appendix burst when I was 13 as they dismissed the pain as a cyst, this caused huge amount of problems and I'm 30 yrs old in a few months time and the passed 7 years have been hell.

I had my first diagnostic lap in 2012 and they said slight endometriosis but mostly adhesions from the appendectomy. Fast forward 2 years and I'm back having another lap which a different gyne diagnoses grade 2 endo, with severe adhesions over my right ovary and tube.

My husband and I have been trying for 2 years now for a baby, so we got referred to the fertility clinic. Had another lap in May 2018 along with the dye to see if my tubes were clear. This turned out to be the most horrendous time of my life.

I awoke from surgery in tremendous pain to be told that my right tube is completely blocked and my ovary can barely be seen due to adhesions. Cut to one week later and I'm rushed in and unfortunately get diagnosed with Sepsis. An abcess had appeared on my right ovary and no amount of antibiotics were shifting it, or the Sepsis. I then have emergency surgery to remove the right ovary and tube.

It was a very long surgery and I'm so fortunate that my bowel remained untouched.

I then waited 4 months before being put on 25mg of Clomid. 3 months in and the pain came back on my right side so unbearable. I got referred to a different gyne as the fertility doctor told me it was all in my head and there was nothing more that could be done!! (Other than have it all removed if your still insisting your in pain!)

I hated doing it, but I complained to PALS and was seen by the clinical director.

Thankfully I was given an MRI, but now I'm devastated to learn that my right ovary has infact 'regenerated' due to there being slight cells left behind, and endo is now grade 4 and whats worse is its covering my bowel and sigmoid colon!

We are so so desperate for a baby, and its all I've ever wanted. I am so sick and tired and trying to find the strength anymore. He has jow referred me to Birminghams womens hospital, as I've refused the early menopause injections and I'm allergic to every opiate known to man, can't take anti inflammatories due to chronic gastritis and cannot have the coil or hormonal contraception as we really want to start a family. I also battle with an underactive thyroid which is another bane of my life. I'm currently having such a bad flare up where I'm so nauseous with the pain.

Hot water bottle, castor oil packs, TENS machine and paracetamol every 4 hours isn't touching it.

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Rachel1989 profile image
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4 Replies
Janeyd27 profile image

Oh love, sounds horrible. I don't have very much advice to give but sending you well wishes. I really hope you get some effective surgery and help conceiving asap. Waiting for a lap date and to start trying as have adenomyosis too and the wait feeling poorly and anxious about the future is driving me mad xxx

Pinkyandthebrain profile image

Lady you are a super hero for dealing with all of this. So sorry you’re having such a tough time, sending lots of love to you ❤️

Boothroyd profile image

you poor poor thing. I am so sorry you have been through so much. I hope you can try IVF but please dont rule out adoption- my friend adopted twins a few years ago when they were 18 months old and it was the best decision of his life - they are beautiful, thriving and he loves them just as much as he would if they had his blood. You have been so brave and you know what its like to suffer so could use that to be a wonderful mother , one way or another xxxx

AllthatGlitters profile image

Sending you a hug x

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