Hi everyone,
TL:DR daughter having symptoms for 2 years, drs being very dismissive saying it's normal cyclic pain. Diagnosed with PCOS.
I'm the mum of an 18 almost 19 year old girl who I am positive is suffering from endometriosis. She was diagnosed at 16 with PCOS and put on the pill.
Since then, she's had a myriad of symptoms and has been treated for IBS.
She has very sporadic periods. Her weight has ballooned and she is in constant pain.
Her symptoms are:
Irregular periods (almost non existent)
Chronic pain (she has passed out on a few occasions)
Urinary issues - she reports a strange burning feeling but did not have a UI when she saw the Dr.
Back and leg pain
Bowel issues.
Strange sporadic reaction to eggs (cramping, belching etc)
The drs keep saying it's normal 'cyclic pain'. She was referred to a gyn who signed her off and said endometriosis was unlikely.
We have a new nurse at our surgery who is wonderful and wants to get to the bottom of it and requested it be investigated. We went to the hospital and she had a UI scan, abdominal US and they attempted a transvaginal scan which they couldn't complete due to her intense pain- they wouldn't let me be with her even though she is a very young 18 year old, a virgin and was terrified. The results were all 'normal' but her left ovary was ' too deeply inbedded to scan but appeared normal'.
The nurse also requested an appt with the gyn but the Dr authorising thought it was unnecessary. So she has requested that again.
I would love for this not to be endometriosis but her aunt had it when my daughter was a baby so I recognised some of the strange symptoms.
We're at our wits end. My daughter has not left the house for 2 years apart from to go to college/work. She lives on the sofa wrapped in a fleece blanket with a hot water bottle waiting to see how bad the pain gets before taking cocodamol which she says doesn't ease it too much anyway.
Sorry it's so long! Any tips on where to go from here?
Thank you