Hi everyone. I’m laura. I’m here as I am at a loss and feel deflated! I went to my go a few weeks ago saying after much research I think my symptoms I’m experiencing is endometriosis. She rudely ruled it out right away saying I’d be in more pain, calling in sick and not coping day to day.
She took Sti swabs (even though I haven’t had sex in ages!!) and told me to call back in a week. Results came back all clear btw!! So thats sti’s ruled out! Check!!
Within an hour of me leaving the drs she called me saying after discussing me with a colleague she was referring me for an ultrasound scan. 4 weeks wait for an appointment date. Had the scan a week later I got all clear and basically told no further action.
I harassed for a dr to call me. They were shocked I had expressed my concern for endo and given a scan which wouldn’t have even been picked up on the scan!! I said no further action is not good enough! Booked an appointment to see gp for next Thursday. This am I received a letter cancelling it I now have another 3 week wait. So 7 weeks to see a dr it will be!! Was so poorly last week while I was on. The pains were incredible. Stopped bleeding 5 days ago and now I am back on and back in agony
How do you get the drs to take you seriously? Referrals etc??
I’m sorry for the long post. No one seems to really understand. Xx