Its my daughter(35) who has presumed endometriosis . Hospitalised in July 2023 with pain and urinary retention, refered to gyn. Seen sept 2023, ultra sound ordered, other tests suggested, return appointments in 2024 both cancelled by nhs, new appointment in....Nov 2025!! No wonder her mental health is deteriorating, she manages pain with medication and local heat. But constant monthly pain is grinding her down. Gut symptoms awful, gp refered to dietician (online questionnaire only). I know it's the state of the nhs, but it's soul destroying for her and even tooth she is a grown up, as a mum. I just want to take her pain away...
Another outpatient cancellation - Endometriosis UK
Another outpatient cancellation
Push like heck, push the GP rung the consultants secretary if you have one. I asked my GP to send an urgent letter through as I was struggling so much. It's hard to fight and push but it's very necessary if you don't push hard for your care they don't know or care how much your struggling. Good luck 🥰
Hey lovely sorry to jump on ! I was just using the search bar for urinary urgency and came across this post and your reply, I have just got my doctor to send an extradite to gynae, as initially the wait is 18-20 weeks and I'm currently not coping great whatsoever! Just curious as to wether it made a difference having your GP doing this and if so by how much time if you are aware? I'm just so desperate and hoped yours worked out well too ❤️
Don't worry it's no problem. I rang the waiting list to see where I was and they said another year and a half I had been waiting over that already, and when I rang previous they said six months labour coming in changed the wait lists goals so I was put back. They said I must ask my GP to plead on my behalf. Two weeks later I got a call for hysterectomy cancellation appointment and six days later had full hysterectomy. Hope that helps. 😊
Hi, I'm so sorry your daughter is going through this. When I first was being investigated for endo I had to wait many many months and I couldn't take the pain as it was daily and waking me up at night.
I went to my GP and they prescribed me pain medication and made contact with the hospital to make sure I was seen as soon as possible.
Also if possible she could ask the hospital to consider her for filling an canceled spot. It's normally not the best notice but sometimes you get a week's notice. It honestly helped me get my surgery quicker as I filled a gap.
I really hope she gets the help she needs soon. Keep bugging the GP they will help although sometimes it takes a few phone calls xx
Agree with others, ask the GP to send an expedite request, contact the dept to say you can accept cancellation slots (if you can) and consider contacting PALS to raise your concerns as they're usually quite good as moving things along, they managed to bring forward one of my appts despite gynae saying there was nothing sooner. Just don't hold back on the impact the delays are having and really detail the symptoms. Good luck, keep pushing x