Chronic fatigue: How does everyone cope... - Endometriosis UK

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Chronic fatigue

Purplewitch18 profile image
36 Replies

How does everyone cope with the chronic fatigue? Does taking any medication or the pill help with it? Mine is worse since my lap in november 😭

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Purplewitch18 profile image
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36 Replies
leebum28 profile image

I genuinely don't know how i function i am so tired all of the time.

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to leebum28

I totally feel you. There has to be something that can help us all?

Adoradearheart profile image

I’m wondering the same at the moment. On top of the fatigue I can’t sleep a full night without waking several times and struggle so much in nodding off! It’s crazy. Wishing my bit d deficit back, at least with that I was head to pillow gone!

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to Adoradearheart

Sounds like you might have low hormone levels (are you taking birth control? What kind?)

Adoradearheart profile image
Adoradearheart in reply to StefaniaJW

I’m not on any hormonal medication (bc or otherwise) I’ve had my hormones tested recently but I’ll push again for it. Which would it be?

Laura_T profile image

Constantly feel like I’ve not slept. I need to nap on weekends, not long after I’ve woken in the mornings. My husband says all the time “you can’t still be tired” Sometimes I’m struggling to stay awake whilst I’m in work. Nothing helps 😔

Yasmh1 profile image

Hi I feel the same i am so tired all the time even walking the kids to school i am starting to struggle keeping awake haha!

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Yasmh1

Well done for getting up to take them in the first place! That is hard enough.

Purplewitch18 profile image

Totally the same, very rarely feel rested no matter how much sleep i get. Then wake in the night and sometimes cant get back to sleep, even though im exhausted! Staying at home makes it worse, it helps to get fresh air but some days its such a huge effort to even get dressed! I dont know how i manage to still work on my feet long hours. Im part time now and even that wipes me out. Im starting a new suppliment tonight, serra something ive forgotten its full name. Its an enzyme that rids the body of dead tissue. So hoping it improves my symptoms!

Adoradearheart profile image
Adoradearheart in reply to Purplewitch18

Let us know how it goes! Between pain and fatigue my concentration at work is nothing!

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to Purplewitch18

I'm guessing you're talking about serraptase. It will definitely work with adhesions, don't know about fatigue though

Yasmh1 profile image

Worst feeling when trying even if a go slow still everybody says your just lazy ! I have only recently been diagnosed. Hope the new supplements does you some good 👍 I take peppermint tablets in a morning which seem to perk me up a little x

Purplewitch18 profile image

I will let you all know if it works or not when ive been taking it for a little while. Yes, i know people make you feel guilty like you should be just able to carry on like they do, no one really understands. So glad we have this forum because we know we arent making it up, fatigue is not just being tired like youve had a long day and now youre tired. Could sleep 12 hours and do nothing all day and still would struggle to get dressed when its really bad.

Lyn84 profile image

Try fermaglobin vitamins and iron i take that im not bursting with energy but id be a lot worse without it i really struggle sometimes i fall asleep at 6pm ive gone from 10pm to 9pm to 8 to 7 to 6 falling asleep its ridiculous yesterday i spent my whole day off in bed i just had no energy and for a change i actually managed to sleep loads so to has been a good day for me energy wise

Purplewitch18 profile image

I have fermaglobin that i do take sometimes. And i also take b vit complex, magnesium, evening primrose oil, vit d, zinc, probiotics with muti vits and minerals, and maca tablets. Im also dairy and gluten free. It does all help, i know im worse without all that. Would just be so nice to have a lot more energy and motivation, instead of forcing myself to carry on even though i feel like absolute shit most days. There has to be more to life than this. Im even thinking of giving up on trying for a second child and going on bc or getting the coil. Supposed to be starting fertillity treatment soon but feel its a waste of time unless i can improve things before then. Some days i just think, ive had enough and want my life back 😥

Lyn84 profile image

I felt like that yesterday im due to start ivf in april and i just think how am i ever going to cope with a baby when i have so little energy now 🙈😟

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Lyn84

I have a 4 year old, i think i managed to get pregnant naturally with her because id been on the pill for soooo many years, i came off it and was preg in 6 months. Not taken anything since she was born because im desperate to give her a sibling, but too ill to do what i should be doing with the child i have these days. Really dont know what to do for the best, and im 39 so not got time to waste. Did you get told to go straight to ivf?

Lyn84 profile image
Lyn84 in reply to Purplewitch18

Im having ivf as my endo seems to be effecting me getting pregnant also my partner has a few issues with his sperm

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Lyn84

My endo has made my tubes work too slowly though they are open, and its stopping the egg from getting to the sperm. We havent had our appointment yet and we would have to pay for ivf, so its not really an option for us but ive a feeling thats what they will suggest. I wish you the best of luck with yours x

Lyn84 profile image
Lyn84 in reply to Purplewitch18

Thank you have you tried serrapaptase? It is suppose to help with blocked or sluggish tubes

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Lyn84

Literally just found out about and started taking it last night. You never know, it just may work x

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to Lyn84

Why are you going for IVF?

StefaniaJW profile image

Chronic fatigue is such a major endometriosis issue and I'm going to explain why.

When you have the flu and the fever are you tired? Yes, most people sleep with the flu.

That is because inflammation makes us tired. The body needs resting when fighting.

Same goes with endometriosis, where our bodies are constantly inflamed and fighting.

Now, inflammation can only be reduced if we modulate our immune system. If you do that correctly, chronic fatigue can be reduced by a good 50%.

First of all, your vitamin D levels need to be in check. Vitamin D is lacking in most people with autoimmune disorders and it is absolutely vital for gut health. You need to get blood test and take cholecalciferol in case it is low.

Low iron is also common in women with endo and causes panting, tachycardia and fatigue. You need to make sure those are good as well with blood tests.

As far as birth control or other hormonal treatments, they absolutely make fatigue worse (unless your fatigue is caused by anemia). This is because estrogen reduces the levels of vitamins Bs and magnesium in our bodies, which are majorly helpful when it comes to fatigue.

So vitamin B6, folic acid and magnesium have to be taken via supplements every single day if you want to reduce fatigue.

Selenium and zinc can also help with gut health and immune system modulation and therefore reduce inflammation and fatigue.

Having a diet with plenty of raw veggies (especially salad), fresh fruit, nuts, fish (such as sardines, tuna, salmon and mackerel mostly) and free-range eggs and reducing caffeine (which can lead to chronic fatigue as well), dairy and refined carbs is also key.

Sleeping at least 9 hours per night and doing some gentle walking/yoga a few times a week can help your body heal immensely :)

So to sum up: vitamin D, iron (if necessary), vitamin B6, magnesium, folic acid (vitamin B9), selenium and zinc are all very, very helpful.

andrehypnotic profile image

You need speed (Amphetamine) my Dear.

leebum28 profile image
leebum28 in reply to andrehypnotic

This made me laugh so LOUD whilst i'm supposed to be "working"!

Missionofendo profile image


Try get some blood tests if you can - you could be anemic.

Aside from this get a strong b complex with high b12 this works wonders.

I use it everyday and it helps all fatigue !

Literally it’s a miracle Supplement


Purplewitch18 profile image

Thankyou for all your replies. I do take all those suppliments and have done for years, they do help but dont elliminate the problem. Ive had my levels checked repeatedly over the years, always normal and iron levels are high. B12 borderline but thats why i take b vits to help with that. Im not aneamic as also been tested for that, and my diet is good, though ive not eaten properly lately as had no appetite. Im constantly researching endo and how to improve things, and do think in my case anyway it is because my bodys immune system is always trying to fight it which leaves me exhausted.

This is why im now trying serrapaptase. It helps with the inflammation, therefore it should help with my bodies reaction to fight it which will hopefully give me more energy. I also have slow moving tubes and it can help with that. So fingers crossed, ive read a lot about it and some women are living symptom free, with all the other changes too diet etc.

I was on the pill for years, it didnt eliminate all my symptoms but my fatigue wasnt half as bad on it as off it. I actually hate the pill and putting all that fake shit into my body, but unless i can reverse this myself, its going to be back to bc eventually, as there is nothing else. Id happily go to chinese drs etc and cure it that way but no way i could afford that.

I definately wouldnt get another lap done, as its made zero difference to anything.

At least ive eliminated the pain now though, which is great. But the fatigue, well still working on it.

Im glad for those of you who have found something to help make your lives easier, and for sharing what works, as thats how we get our research to try new things.

Seeing dr again on the 24th, and she will send me for more blood tests. If b12 is still borderline then i will push for b12 shots and see if that makes a difference.

Livingdeadgirl profile image

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and endo, and I struggle a lot. I have CFS before endo so I've learnt to pace myself and rest a lot. I always have to plan my life around my energy levels and the most important thing is to listen to your body and don't push through. I'm on the pill but I've never noticed it help my energy levels. Eating well has helped my energy in the past and magnesium and vitamin D have been helpful in the past. I also have to be very strict with myself about routine. I go to bed at the same time every night ans male sure I get at least 8 hours sleep a night. Sleep is verrrrryyyy important so I prioritise. Unfortunately all my energy goes into working so my social life is often pretty bad.

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Livingdeadgirl

Thankyou for sharing, i think the routine thing is worth a try as mine is all over the place which im sure isnt really helping. I know what you mean about using all your energy up at work, it really does make it hard to socialise. Im luck now im part time i meet up with friends every now and again and just do lunch, though i wish i did a lot more.

Livingdeadgirl profile image
Livingdeadgirl in reply to Purplewitch18

It's difficult when people want to do stuff but you can't. But a good routine has helped me, and it's taken me a good 5 years to figure out my limits. I always wanted to push through but I've succumbed to being an 80 year old lady in bed by 8.30pm trapped in a 30 yr olds body now haha xx

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Livingdeadgirl

Oh god, i know that feeling! 🙈

endokicker1 profile image

Hi Purplewitch18 , I know exactly what you mean about the fatigue. I advise you see your doctor and check your iron levels. If you have endo, all the period bleeding, inflammation, endocrine issues might mean your iron is low or your body isnt converting food to energy quickly.

Also, be gentle on your body. Sometimes we want to push ourselves and do more than we are capable of. Please rest whenever you need to, and dont feel bad about it.

Also, it might sound counter-intuitive but my energy levels increased when I started incorporating gentle exercises into my daily routine.

Drink lots of water as well.

Take care okay. Sending you hugs xxx

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to endokicker1

Love your forum name! Great advice, the food not being converted would make sense because when my diet is literally the healthiest possible, and i did this for about 6 months, i had a little more energy but not nearly as much as i should have. My iron levels have alway been high or so theyve told me, and taking iron doesnt make much difference, however i am going to make sure the gp sends me for all tests possible and make another appointment for the results rather than some secretary telling me all is ok over the phone! Youre right about water, it does help and ive started drinking more. I also drink brown rice protein shakes with almond milk which gives me a boost. Im feeling more positive today, and will continue to try and beat this! Xx

endokicker1 profile image
endokicker1 in reply to Purplewitch18

Yay I am glad you are feeling better today! Yes, I always ask for appointments to have my blood tests explained by my GP and always request a printout. It is our information, we have a right to understand it completely. Wish you all the best, and message me if you ever need to talk. :)

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to endokicker1

Will do! And thankyou so much hun, you too xx

GP204 profile image

Do this survey for Candida. Very common in people with endo and CF.

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