I had the coil taken out around a month ago which was put in at the same time as my lap and honestly can say i feel great since my choice to have my gyne remove it i was feeling very down everyday along with lots of other horrible symptoms. I have now just come on my period for the second time since having it taken out and at my appointment the gyne was very unhappy and said if i took nothing it would grow back and i would be back in the same position if not worse. So she recommended the mini pill as i suffer with migrane with aura. I have not taken it at all as i wanted a break after feeling so rubbish on the coil but also i am worried that i am doing the wrong thing in not taking it i just dont want to feel rubbish again i wanted to no if anyone else had been in a similar situation any advice or help if yoy have gone without any treatment would be great thankyou xx ☺
Has anyone stayed off of hormone treatment? - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone stayed off of hormone treatment?

Hi Victoria1988, I understand the wanting to stop taking treatment/medication. I used to get depression on progesterone and migraines on the combined hormones. I stopped after my hysterectomy and my gyni in Switzerland (where we lived for a while) said it would be ok for me to take natural progesterone cream as my depression was less severe with this. Nearly 3 years on and I have just spent 3 days in hospital with an endometrioma that twisted and they suspect endo in pod also. So now they are giving me injections to put me into premature menopause until I can have a lap and tidy up hopefully in the next 3 months. Think carefully if you trust your gyni and the treatment you have had to date about stopping treatment. I've tried everything. Diet, supplements Tai chi, you name it and this b... disease just won't give up on me. I wouldn't wish the pain and vomitting I went through last week on anyone. Big hugs and keep well xx
Hi Victoria,
I had been on the implant for nearly 2 years and this May had extreme pain and that was the start of my journey with investigating endo. I had the implant removed and felt like a weight had been lifted with my mood and literally like I was my old self, without realising the hormones were effecting me so badly, it nearly ruined my relationship. I had about 3 months without hormones then saw a private gynae who wanted to try me on me tablets of Medroxyprogesterone to stop my periods and potential further growth of endo.
The tablets put my mood straight back down and actually brought on periods... not ideal! After months of trying that with no relief, nor stopping of periods I had a laparoscopy 3 weeks ago. They found 5 patches of endo in so many places and I chose not to have the coil fitted. I chose this as I had read so many different stories about the coil and my own experience with hormones, I just wanted some time to let my body deal with the surgery and recovery and to actually feel better in myself.
I cant take the combined pill due to a previous DVT. I have a follow-up with my gynae late Feb and im sure will discuss hormone therapy again then but honestly... im not a big fan and unless its really strongly advised, I cant imagine I will go back on anything. I know a few people who have had a laparoscopy and arent on any hormones and they are happier and not needed anymore treatment to date. It's very hard to say about something being the right or wrong answer with this, as we all know there are so many unanswered questions about endo. You've got to do what's right for you but also take into account what medical professionals say.
Hiya i just want to thankyou for your lovely reply you have really helped me in thinking more about taking the mini pill, yes i did have the coil put in whilst having my lap done i had it in for 9 months and it was awful pain in my hips and back everyday and also my moods were so so low and it became everyday o was getting more anxious and upset it was horrible also my skin was really bad too lots of acne breakouts and also my hair kept on falling out alot but i have had it out for around a month now and i really feel like i am back to my old self but now i am having my first proper period since having it out and its not good but i expected that as they have always been very heavy and horrible 😯 anyway thankyou again i really hope the coil works for you i have my fingers crossed for you i hope you have a lovely christmas too ☺ xxxx
Hi both, I had a bad experience with the Mirena too. Very painful and had to be removed after 6 weeks. Just a thought ladies I am a week on from my first Decapeptyl inj. and the pod pain was so bad I started trying CBD suppositories 2 days ago. I feel so much better this morning. Not sure what it is that is helping but I have used CBD oil before orally and it is very helpful for pain and sleep problems. Have a lovely Christmas all xx