So today I saw a general gyne having been referred by my GP. I had a scan a few months ago that showed nothing, but gyne does think I could have endo.
I have suspected this for about 18 years! From the first time a GP said it seemed as though it could be the cause of my menstrual issues.
The gyne has basically said he just wants me to have a coil fitted as that is the long term treatment for many people and often all symptoms go away. I told him I am really apprehensive about that. You hear all the horror stories about people bleeding for weeks at a time. I can't use tampons as they just hurt and make me cramp even more and the idea of potentially using towels for an extended duration is just revolting. He just kind of shrugged that off. He said i could
Continue taking my pill along side for the first two or three months.
Now my problem is I still feel totally in the dark. He won't do anything else and I just feel miserable. I have paint and bleeding during and after sex, bleed from my bottom during my period, I have lower back pain that his becoming more
Constant and menstrual cramps
That start sometime 5/6 days before my cycle and continue for 4/5 days during. I am sat at home and I feel totally depressed. My husband just quoted back the statistics that the gyne gave out about all the women in the world that use the coil successfully and I just wanted to punch him in the face. I am fed up
Of feel exhausted and in pain. He was nice but didn't really listen he just read the scant notes from my GP. What to do next. He is going to send for me to go back and have a coil fitted but I am really not sure that is what I want 😥
Any advise welcomed x