CBD Oil and alternative natural aids - Endometriosis UK

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CBD Oil and alternative natural aids

kittykins7 profile image
3 Replies

Hi there. I am really interested to know if anyone has tried CBD oil as I have heard this is really good for the pain of endo, for anti inflammatory, bowel problems , aching muscles, cramps, pain, fatigue, and the anxiety etc that endo brings. Has anyone had any success?

Also I have heard that being deficient in vitamin b12, d3 and magnesium can result in tiredness and aching muscles and was wondering if anyone has taken these and experienced an improvement? I’m all for natural pain alternatives instead of messing your stomach up with painkillers

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poppy75 profile image

Hi there. I'm on quite the cbd journey right now! I have stage 3-4 endo, adenomyosis, many adhesions and a possible endometrioma. Meant to be having an MRI today but period has kicked in so impossible for me to travel and lie still in a tunnel for an hour 🙄

Like you I do what I can re lifestyle and natural therapies but I was still on ibuprofen, codeine and tramadol and anti-sickness during flare ups. Over the past year I've researched cbd loads on endo Facebook forums and on here. It recently got to the point where stomach lining damage from NSAIDs caused very bad gastritis throughout my digestive tract even tho I've been on omeprazole and then ranitidine for a year to protect stomach. In 20 years of endo I've never had a problem with NSAIDs but I was only taking them 4 days prior to period and throughout period. Everything changed when endo became more daily and severe. I went on cerazette which has stopped the most horrific pain and blacking out but causes me to have 21 day periods. I'm awaiting my first appointment with a BSGE endo specialist. 2 weeks ago I ended up in a&e with an asthma attack and narrowing of the airways due to acid reflux hitting the airways. It was terrifying. A few days after that after a night time coughing fit I ended up with ulcers and an abscess in my mouth and throat. I now have to go for an endoscopy.

I started cbd drops 6 weeks ago. I was disappointed to see no change as I'd read some people had had immediate results. I had no idea what I was doing due to the law that cbd companies are not allowed to advise re medical issues and that cbd can only be on sale as a dietary supplement. After a lot more research and joining a Facebook forum called Simply CBD Users (it was created by that company but there's 23,000 members on there and you can freely discuss any cbd products and health issues) I discovered I'd totally wasted time and money by making the rookie mistake of 'I'm in severe pain so I'll buy the strong stuff'. Until then I was not aware you need to start low and slow to awake the cannibinoid system and gradually build up. It can take up to 2 months to get an effect. I would have given up after using the stronger oil if it wasn't for reading a lot of endo posts about cbd topical balm. I requested a free sample from Love CBD (they just charge £2 for p&p). I experience daily back pain and sciatica so much so it sears down my leg and makes my foot go numb. I massaged the balm in and to my disbelief I had immediate relief and flexibility. I have since been using it daily and it has been a god send. It's worked well for moderate ovary pain also. I've now been on a low dose of cbd oil for 2 weeks. Within 2 days I saw improvement in anxiety and depression (I have ptsd so on antidepressants) my period hit and I realised I'd had a 3 1/2 week gap rather than just 8 days or so for the first time in a year and a half of being on cerazette. I am now day 3 into endo flare. Due to gastritis and asthma attack it's the first time in 20 years I've not been able to take my usual painkillers. To say I was crapping myself with worry is an understatement. My local pharmacist is amazing and ordered in the new Nurofen ibuprofen 200mg patch for me (it's only been out a month and it's the first of its kind). You absorb it through the blood stream close to where you stick it (lower abdomen) and so causes no issue with the digestive system. It's very hard for me to say how well it's working but I'm so far managing with paracetamol (which is unheard of), cbd drops x 3 daily and regularly applying the cbd balm. That certainly calms things down for a while along with hot water bottle back and front.

My advice would be get on cbd! But do your research. I highly recommend the Facebook group Simply CBD Users - you can ask any question, search for symptoms and discuss what to try. Brands that receive high praise are CBD Brothers, Love CBD and Simply CBD. It's imperative you start out on a low dose of the right oil for you and the group is so friendly and has helped me so much. You also have to leave 2hrs away from any medication or supplements and 4hrs away from antidepressant, blood pressure meds and a number of others as the liver will absorb cbd rather than the drugs if you take them at the same time. I had no idea before. It's utterly ridiculous the law states no advice can be given re cbd companies as this could be helping so many people and/or having a detrimental effect if they haven't done their research. Hopefully with the new UK law re medical cannabis things will gradually change but for now it's down to us who are using it to advise each other. Go on Love CBD website and contact them via the form to request a sample of the balm. I'm jabbering on to everyone about the balm as I'm gobsmacked - I was about to start the daily nerve blocker gabapentin for my daily endo related back issues as I'm unable to work now. I am SO glad I persevered with cbd and searched out advice.

I'm planning to see through the next 6 weeks and then post about my experience and also ask admin if we can collect our cbd experiences in a file so easy access. If it saves one person from getting into the state I have - lost job, stomach lining damage from painkillers etc etc it would be incredible. Today is clearly my worst flare day so I'm sat here slapping on the balm, 2nd week of low dose cbd so dosage increased yesterday and I've just received cbd vape oil which many find useful for breakthrough pain when cbd drops or painkillers aren't cutting it. So I'll see how it goes and report back in a few weeks once results are clearer.

As for supplements, I've not found taking magnesium daily much benefit but for years I've taken it in the days where I'm at the ibuprofen level stage. It seems to 'top up' the pain relief so definitely worth a go. When possible I take 3 Dead Sea salt baths a week during the week prior to endo flare (more magnesium) it leaves me very relaxed and more able to cope with the pain. When it hits I physically can't get in the bath as my pain is severe but if you have it mild-moderate I'd definitely recommend daily Dead Sea salt baths to ease the contraction pain. I've taken starflower oil for years which does take things down a notch or two. A month ago I switched to high strength omega 3. I'd certainly try EPO, Starflower or omega 3 - anything where you're getting a daily dose of essential fatty acids to help block prostaglandins and inflammation. I switched to omega 3 as dietary wise I know if every week I have oily fish 3 times a week the pain is less severe when it hits and I generally follow an anti inflammatory diet and lots of fish which does help me quite a bit.

Good luck! Let's all keep each other posted re cbd :) xx

kittykins7 profile image
kittykins7 in reply to poppy75

Hi poppy

Thanks so much for the useful tips. Your so right it is ridiculous how so many good reviews of cbd curing so many types of illnesses and yet they can’t provide more guidelines. Crazy, but like you say with the new rules out now hopefully that will change. I did my research and went with company called pure kanna which are up there as one of the best. I got pure cbd which is suspended in peppermint oil (which is also good for bloating) I’ve only just received it yesterday and I’m taking 2 drops morning and 1 drop nighttime but I’ve got 1000mg. I notice you say start low and work your way up. Can I ask which strength are you on if u don’t mind me asking? Hope I haven’t started too strong. I have already noticed I am less anxious. My plan was to see if pain reduced and if not in a week or so to increase to another drop or so. ... the rub sounds great. I may ask for a sample. I will make a note of the companies you have mentioned. I really hope it works for you as you sound like you have really been through the mill. It will also be very interesting if we compare results in a few weeks as well. X

poppy75 profile image
poppy75 in reply to kittykins7

Hi Kitty,

I'd maybe see how you go for a bit on the one you've bought. I started out on 800mg entourage oil thinking stronger is better. I was on that for 5 weeks before learning about the low and slow method. The one I'm on now is Simply CBD Green 250mg. With the lower one within days I felt benefit for my anxiety and mood. I'm on week 3 of it now gradually increasing. I did think the stronger one had done bugger all but now I'm in endo flare time I checked my dates and realised I haven't had a period for three and a half weeks . I've been on cerazette for 18 months and it's caused havoc with my periods. Typically an 8 day break before period kicks in again. The longest break I've had is 12 days no bleed and now suddenly this so that makes me think the 800mg did do something. I looked at a number of cbd forums, mainly Facebook but people seemed as much in the dark as me - the blind leading the blind 🙄 but I'm now in the Facebook group Simply CBD Users and I've learnt an incredible amount the past 3 weeks. I'd really join that if I was you. You can just observe and search for endometriosis on there if you don't want to post anything and they're happy for you to ask questions about the dosage you're on even if from another company. I don't want to say too much about how my period has been as I don't want to jinx it! I had a bit of a panic last night as I ran out of the nurofen 200mg ibuprofen patch (always a Bloody Sunday and night time when these things happen!) and I got a bit scared but using a cbd vape, balm and paracetamol and hot water bottles got me through the night thank god. Once this period is out of the way I'll be more open with my experience! I have saved some images of info that I would like to send you but there's no photo option on here as far as I can see but I'll check if I can send them to you in a message. Really informative and good to be able to refer to regarding the different components of cbd, how to build up etc etc.

Let's def keep in touch about it and do have a look on Simply CBD Users Facebook group - I'm the one posting like crazy the past few days asking about all things endo 🙄 23,000 members on there and they have really got me through the past week. Xx

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