Do I have a laparoscopy?: I went to gp and... - Endometriosis UK

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Do I have a laparoscopy?

Sarahlou23xx profile image
7 Replies

I went to gp and asked to be referred to gynaecologist because I thought I had endo.

She straight away offered me a laparoscopy.

I said I was unsure because I’m scared basically.

I go back in December to tell her my decision.

The waiting list is around 10 weeks I’ve been told.

I really think I have it and really want children.

I’m just scared of the pain after and what if I don’t wake up after the surgery.

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Sarahlou23xx profile image
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7 Replies
luthien profile image

Ahh I can understand your worries.

It's good that she's offered you a laparoscopy right away, it means they want to find out what's there and the extent of it. They can do scans etc but they don't always show up endo and the treatment really is only removal of endo as it'll grow so it's best to have it removed prior to having children so you know where you are health-wise - that's my feeling.

Yes the wait times can be a while but it might be an idea to ask if you can have the diagnostic lap and removal of endo / biopsies of anything they find all in one go, this means less waiting for a second op and thus a quicker recovery too.

If you want to have children then seeing what's causing all your symptoms and treating it at it's root so to speak means you'll be healthier before trying, during and after.

It's not at all scary, but your worries make sense. You'll have a chat during your pre-op appointment (where they do bloods, height, weight, allergies, etc), then you'll have an op date, you'll be told what to do and bring with you, and I'm sure we'll all help with our own tips / advice nearer the time - should you choose the lap. The docs will come round to confirm you are you and you know what they're going to do - they'll discuss risks then you sign to say you still want to go ahead. Then you wait, that's the horrible bit. You'll go down to the anaesthetic room where they'll prep you for your op and help with nerves, jitters and check you're still okay to go ahead. Next thing you wake up in recovery with a machine bleeping, all your tubes etc will be taken out before you come round so you won't know. The nurses will keep an eye on you and your doc may visit, you'll be groggy. Once all your stats are okay you'll be wheeled back to your room / ward to recover. You can have relatives wait for you or visit a bit later. Depending on how much was done you may be in overnight, but you'll always be checked every hour for your obs and pain. You'll wake up, don't worry, now a-days they give you stuff to put you under (gas and injection in your cannula) and then give you an injection to wake you up, an anaesthetist does this so it's all safer than it used to be - they check allergies etc before so you won't have a reaction to the drugs.

Pain after - you'll be on pain medication first; they give you some preop, and then put some through before they wake you up. They can prescribe medication should you need any to go home with otherwise it's over the counter stuff. You'll usually be signed off for two weeks, so take it easy. Stick to your usual daily routine of waking and sleeping as much as you can as that'll help healing and general mood. Don't do too much too soon, even if you spend the first week a couch potato! I went back into my yoga gently during the second week, to see what was okay and what hurt. By three weeks I was back into my normal fitness stuff but just listening to my body. It takes about 3 to 4 months to be 100% as there's lots of healing going on and it's your core muscles, stay active though and you'll be fine. After 4 months once stuffs settled that should be how you'll be from them onwards - you should have a follow up with your specialist at this point too. They say 4 months because if you have periods the first few after your op can be a little more painful and feel like you've taken a step back - don't worry your body can't tell the difference between removal of endo pain and endo pain so we think nothings changed, it has obviously.

We're all here to help with any worries / concerns you have xx

I've had two laps (one was just the next one to remove stuff they couldn't do in the first as it needed another surgeon). I would definitely have any further ones if my endo grows back enough to need it; it takes a while to recover but it's soooo much better than hormones - I had so many issues with weight, mood swings, spotting etc, I wish I'd know I had endo sooner basically.

I'm 34, would like children (going with what nature decides), been on the pill for 10 years since I was 18 (year 2002), then all the symptoms / issues started, finally diagnosed in 2017. Happy to talk / answer questions :)

Whoops that's long, sorry!!!

Sarahlou23xx profile image
Sarahlou23xx in reply to luthien

Thankyou so much for taking the time to go through all of that.

That means so much

I’m very scared about the whole thing tbh

I just wish I knew without the laparoscopy

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Sarahlou23xx

that would be amazing if they could do that, perhaps sometime in the future :)

Sunshine-04 profile image

I felt exactly the same as you when they offered me a lap. But I decided to go ahead with it as my gynae was adamant that I had endo (I hadn't even thought of it myself, I was thinking more along the lines of hormone inbalance).

I had my first lap yesterday, and I'm already so so glad I did! They confirmed mild endo and a hernia and have had the coil fitted as the first step of treatment.

I was in and out in the same day and the experience was nowhere near as scary as I thought it was. I was in control every step of the way and the med team were absolutely amazing. They totally get it and will go put of their way to make you feel safe and comfortable.

I didn't feel any pain when I woke up as they had already given me painkillers and again they let me be in control of what I had once I was awake.

Now the day after, I'm a bit sore obviously, but it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it was and it's so worth it to know what's wrong and start treatment.

I really can't recommend it enough, especially after reading how difficult it has been for others to get the surgery in the first place. Sounds like we have been very lucky to be offered it straight away.

If you do have the lap, get some peppermint oil capsules and activated charcoal for afterwards. I also got a wedge pillow as lying flat makes the pain worse. All these things have been amazing for me so far and the doctors said they were all a good idea!

Hope everything goes well for you if you do have it! Keep talking to peiple and researching, but don't be put off by the horror stories!! It's really not that bad xx

Sarahlou23xx profile image
Sarahlou23xx in reply to Sunshine-04

Thankyou so much’s probsbly going to be March /April now before I can have the surgery but I’m going to do it.

Sarahlou23xx profile image

My main symptoms are lower back ache 10 days before period (not constant )

Sore breasts


Feeling a bit sickly

My periods are not bad at all not much pain etc ..

Hot sweats before period

Where do you think my endo is from those symptoms ?

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Sarahlou23xx

There's no real way to tell where it is before your lap based on your symptoms. Some women get very specific ones so can immediately tell; like pink urine or blood in stool around period...

I had endo all over my bladder, uterus and a bit on the bowel, I had all of your symptoms plus pain during periods and sex. But I expected to have bladder and bowel problems considering the results.

the amount and placement of endo isn't always related to the intensity and number of symptoms. Bit rubbish I know.

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