Operation advice?: Hi everyone had a phone... - Endometriosis UK

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Operation advice?

Peyten profile image
33 Replies

Hi everyone had a phone call from the hospital today they want me in for surgery on 1st October I’ve never had surgery before and dealt scared of anyone could give me tips and advice it would be amazing.

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Peyten profile image
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33 Replies
Nat21 profile image

Hey, is it a laparoscopy you’re having? I had one in July just before my 21st birthday(21 now) I had never had surgery before so I was really scared too I got my mum and sister to come with me I found that helped a lot, also when you wake up after the surgery drink plenty you’re throat will be really sore so lots of water will help :) hope this helps if it’s a laparoscopy that you’re having and have any questions feel free to message me :) x

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Nat21

aww yeah it is a laparoscopy I’m having I’m 21 and I’ve never had any surgery in my life I’m

So scared didn’t think it would be this quick I am so thankful but scared at the same time ans Thankyou so much x

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to Peyten

I was the same I’d never had surgery before and mine came round really quick which was good but if it’s keyhole surgery you’re having it’s a fairly quick procedure. good luck hun xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Nat21

Yeah see mines the same I saw my first endometriosis specialist last week and she told me I need surgery to investigate and then yesterday I got the phone call to go in for the 1st October I think it’s alot of the shock aswell although I knew this was coming just didn’t expect it this soon and Thankyou so much xxx

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to Peyten

Me too I had a cancellation so got asked to come in day after my pre op assessment xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Nat21

Awww it’s scary but the best thing mines been cancelled I go on the 9th now xx

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to Peyten

Well good luck when you go! I’m sure you’ll be just fine xx

I had also never had any kind of surgery before my laparoscopy! I was worried about everything!

First the actual surgery wasn't as scary as I had imagined it to be, They go through all of the paper work with you and ask you all of the important questions (if you have had pre-surgery blood tests you may also be able to ask what your blood type is, this was something that I had always wondered about... I know...priorities lol.)

After that they take you down and put you under (this is what I was most worried about) however they put the iv line in and the oxygen mask on asked me a question and I don't even think I got to answer it before I was zonko.

Waking up was also different then I had imagined, I thought i'd be like one of those wisdom teeth removal video's, I was a little ratty! It felt to me like waking up form a mid day nap but I think everyone will react to the anaesthetic differently.

As for actual advice, the things I learned:

-Don't drink orange juice as soon as you wake up!! You'll be seeing it again very shortly.

-Take ibuprofen and paracetamol as often as the dosage allows

-Try not to lay flat without anyone else around to help you up again

-Cut your stitches out as soon as they look healed (not for everyone but mine were causing far more hassle when left alone)

And finally give yourself time to heal, Personally I only needed to take a week off of work but don't push yourself to hard and make sure you keep hydrated throughout the recovery.

Good luck, I hope your surgery goes well!

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to

Thankyou sommuch that helped a lot this is my first surgery so I am pretty scared and the I’m the same the surgery doesn’t bother me it’s being put under but you have helped ease my mind a little I have pre op in the 25th so I guess that will help my understand more a little

Thankyou so much xxx

Kforkat profile image

Oh bless you, I’m sure all will be fine for you!

The only advice I can give really is, take peppermint tablets or windeeze as the gas they use inside you (most of the time) can be somewhat uncomfortable for a day or 2 afterwards. Also, pre arrange any help and support you may need during your recovery. Wishing you all the best xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Kforkat

Thankyou so much xxx

princessk09 profile image

Hey, it’s honestly nothing to be scared about. I have a fear of hospitals and was so calm on the day, the staff were chatty and really nice.

It takes like 5 seconds to fall asleep, it’s a strange feeling as you go light headed and everything went blurry. Then I remember waking up in recovery feeling on cloud nine haha. I have no idea what drugs they gave me 😂

I had a swollen uvula for about a week which was vile as it was making me gag so plenty of water and ice cream etc to help with the sore throat. I would also recommend an ice pack wrapped in a towel and place it just under your bellybutton to help with swelling and bruising

When your back in the ward, the nurses will make sure you drink, eat and have a wee. However I lied about having a wee as I wanted to go home

It’s 2 months post lap for me and I still have my stitches in my bellybutton but they can take up to 6 months to dissolve 🙄

Good luck ❤️ xxx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to princessk09

Aww Thankyou I’m not really to fussed about the surgery it’s being put under but I think I’m

Over thinking it all aha Thankyou so much xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Peyten

I was scared of being put to sleep but I was so tired and hunger, I was like omg just get it over with haha and the nurse was holding my hand as I drifted off xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to princessk09

Aww so many people say it’s nice it’s nothing to worry about to my mind is a ease a little aha Thankyou xxx

My first operation I was 47 years old and worried about going to sleep. After they injected me I went to sleep very quickly and next thing was waking up with not a clue with what had gone on. You may feel sick and they give you an injection if you do.

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to

Thankyou so much xxx

AllthatGlitters profile image

Good luck and let us know how you get on. I have not had surgery yet so can’t offer any advice really apart from I have been put under for investigations before and it’s a lovely feeling, like you are away to have a nice little nap so don’t worry x

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thankyou so much and wbu will xx

Stroppyboard profile image

I had my first surgery last year and am waiting for another one to drain some cysts. I was really nervous too about it but it wasn’t too bad. I totally agree with the drink lots of water bit, my throat was killing me after, that was the worst bit!

You’ll only have 3 or maybe 4 teeny cuts and the scars aren’t really noticeable. I did have a wicked bruise on my tummy for a bit.

I had a week off work and to be honest I struggled a bit going back to work, I still had bruises and stitches and was a bit tender. So when I see the consultant for my next one I’m going to ask for 2 weeks and see what happens.

Good luck with your op x

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Stroppyboard

aww Thankyou so much and I hope yours goes alright too xxx

Allie8 profile image

I had my lap 2 days ago, they also removed endo tissue from my womb. I won’t lie to you, it hurts like hell! Haha. Make sure you have people around to help you recover as I’m still unable to use my stomach muscles at all, I think I saw other people mention things like sitting up and getting out of bed are very difficult to do alone at first. I’m sure if you’re having it done then you’re used to dealing with some amount of pain anyway so even though, yes it does hurt, you can get through it just make sure you allow yourself time to relax and rest. My stitches are dissolvable, only had them for a few days so can’t tell you much about that yet but good luck! You can do it girl :) xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Allie8

Aww I hope your recovery keeps going well and I hope you start to feel better soon and Thankyou so much xxxx

Juillit profile image

You will be fine. Dont worry too much and always think positive. I was as scared as you before my surgery but I’m way older.. Im 32 and it’s my first surgery as well. Although mine is an open surgery (laparotomy). I delayed the operation for 2 years because I was scared. Turns out that worrying too much is just part of the journey that you will regret after operation.. haha! prayers and support from loved ones are really helpful.. Be strong and optimistic.. these will help you post surgery and during your recovery stage as well. Goodluck xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Juillit

Aww Thankyou so much xxx

Cola13 profile image

Hiya, I've had 4 and felt nervous each time so it's completely natural. Defiantly see if someone can go with you which will keep you calm.

Don't be afraid to ask questions about the surgery as well.

I told them when i checked in that i was really nervous as i have anxiety and I was given something just before I went in because of how anxious I was ( which was amazing lol.)

Good luck 😉

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to Cola13

Aww Thankyou xxx

BlueTit98 profile image

Hey! I know it feels scary, I was terrified to the first time but now I've had one I'm actually looking forward to getting my next one done and am much less nervous! If you're having an laparoscopy, you will have plenty of chances to meet the professionals and have pre op assessments, on the day of the op pack a long dress and some loose legging and granny pants which sit below your belly button and bring a cushion for the journey home to put between your belly and seatbelt, drink lots of water in the week leading up to the op, you can have a pre op med before surgery to help calm you down - this was great I was high as a kite, the anaesthetic is actually fine and you don't even notice and when you wake up I'd recommend toast, peppermint tea and lots of sleep! Good luck you will be fine!! x

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to BlueTit98

Thankyou so much xx

Hiya, I can't offer any advice, but I can tell you you aren't alone. I have my lap on Monday and it my first ever general anaesthetic or surgery of any kind so I know what you are feeling. I will try to remember to let you know how it went when I'm done. Thank you for this post because I've enjoyed reading through the answers XXX

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to

Aww Thankyou and wishing you the best of luck xxx

in reply to Peyten

Hi, I am home after lap. No endo diagnosis which is frustrating, but she did say I have a mobile uterus and I have no idea what that means so still in the dark haha! But I don't feel as bad as I thought I would...

Anaesthetic was easy, don't remember going to sleep and when I woke up I just felt freezing cold and shivery, but no sickness or pain etc. After a few extra blankets and a big warm dressing gown I'm warmed up within an hour...

Few weird things I experienced, but don't be scared. My taste buds and sense of smell went a bit. I could still just about taste things, but it was like it was toned down massively... Everything was really bland... But they came back fairly quickly. And one of my incisions in completely numb! But that's not a bad thing as it beats it being sore...

My tummy aches a little now the painkillers have worn off, but I'm mobile. It's not that bad, just a bit uncomfortable but expected considering what they do.

Hope you aren't too worried about it, wishing you the best of luck xx

Peyten profile image
Peyten in reply to

Aww hope you find out more what’s going on with you and I hope they get to the bottom of it I’m so glad your getting better of you ever wanna one to chat to just give me a message and Thankyou so much xxx

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