I had a bit of a blow last week when I was told my treatment options for my endo. I was told my endo is growing within a fibroid and possibly elsewhere (it has varied from severe endo throughout pelvis with a cyst to only endo within a fibroid). They decided surgery would not be the best route as it would risk hysterectomy and they have recommended zoladex for 6 months and then 'we'll see'. I looked into this option and didn't feel this was satisfactory, I just felt there must be another option. So I started doing my research which led me to a naturopath who specialises in women's hormone related issues.
I just wanted to share how mind blowingly amazing speaking to her was. It made so much sense to me. She gave me a very sensible explanation as to why I have developed these issues- mostly due to estrogen dominance and how this can be resolved. Her advice to me was to use a progesterone cream to help balance out my estrogen, which she believes will shrink my fibroid and reduce the endo inflammation, symptoms and growth. She explained there are no side effects to taking natural progesterone- there can be a week or 2 of symptoms while the estrogen receptors change but that's just it all getting rebalanced. She cited many studies and had 20 years experience of helping women. The difference between how I felt after my appointment with her and any of the recent doctors appointments was unreal. I eventually have some hope for my life.
I know it all sounds a bit too good to be true but it just instinctively feels right to me and makes sense. I am going to be starting the cream in a few weeks- it needs to be used at a certain point in the cycle. I will continue to post here to let people know how it goes. Hopefully it helps me and I can start to get my life back.