So 11 days ago I had my first laparoscopy. They advised I had endometriosis on my POD, Bowel, Bladder, Kidney, Lining of my kidney to bladder, my pelvis, womb, fallopian tubes and inner lining. I didnt even know half of it was possible, especially on my kindeys. Who knew.
My surgery lasted 4 hrs, and the first week I could barely walk from the pain. I am feeling loads better, but still struggling a bit with the pain especially when sitting for a long time. (I work in an office so im sitting 9-5.) This wednesday, ill have been off work for 2 weeks. My sick line runs to friday, but honestly, i just dont see my sticking out a whole week of sitting all day. Has anyone been able to have some sort of phased return into work? Im starting to get lonely as my boyfriend works all day and my family can only pop over inbetween shifts too. I feel emotionally ready to go back but not physically and its really starting to get to me. Any advice?