Bleeding post lap/hysteroscopy day 5? - Endometriosis UK

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Bleeding post lap/hysteroscopy day 5?

Lu1u profile image
10 Replies

Hi, had my first lap and hysteroscopy on Wednesday.. I bled on the day of surgery but then generally felt ok and no bleeding for the following 48 hours. I got up yesterday morning and had a horrid gush (sorry tmi warning!)... of bright pink bloody stuff- and I’ve had it ever since! It’s horrid.. like pink spunk! 🤢.. it doesn’t smell or anything and I’ve googled that they fill your womb with a liquid during the hysteroscopy.. so maybe it’s partly that? Anyway... any ideas if this is normal and when it’s likely to stop!! My period isn’t due for another 2 weeks.. so it’s not that! Im just confused why I had nothing 2 days post op - now this! .. I’ve not strained myself- as I’ve been taking it easy last few days! Is this normal??? X

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10 Replies

I’m sorry to hear you have this stress.

I had bleeding after my surgery both surgeries in March & July. The one in March brought my period earlier by a few days. And the one in July I bled for a few days afterwards but had my period on time which was 2.5 weeks later.

I’ve had 2 hysteroscopies ( one with my lap in March & one on its own) and 3 laps. I had endo removed from 3 laps and my last 2 laps they’ve taken biopsies. But never had any pinky stuff ; it could be diluted blood. That’s usually what pink blood is. I usually get it before my periods.

Did they take biopsies and remove endo?

There should be a number you can contact dat surgery department; I would for peace of mind. xoxo

Lu1u profile image
Lu1u in reply to

Thanks jess! Yes they removed endo and some cysts from one of my tubes and dilated my cervix as apparently I had a ‘very narrow- ‘stenotic cervix’!! (Which wouldn’t have helped the fertility situ).. so yeah I think it’s just diluted blood still flushing itself out- I was just a bit weirded out by it- and want it to stop!! Honestly- why do we females have to put up with such horrid/gross stuff!!!!

Anyway- how are you doing? Hope you’re feeling a bit better and they’ve sorted out your hospital follow ups!! 😘 xxxx

in reply to Lu1u

That is amazing they treated everything and now you have a much better chance of having a baby 😍 so pleased for you 🙂 when are you trying again? I’m so excited for you!

I heard from PALS Monday and they were great. The secretary offered me a appointment 22nd August as he’s on holiday 2 of the weeks. I still haven’t received the appointment letter through which that hospital alarms me so I will be chasing it up tomorrow 😏

We are trying again this month as I don’t want to miss a months opportunity particularly with how fast my endo grows 🙈

I’m on the anti inflammatory diet google it it’s really interesting 😊im taking bee propolis as that’s meant to help ladies with endo ttc. A study showed 60% of ladies being able to conceive with endo that took bee propolis🙂 hubby isn’t sold on it and thinks I’m mad haha 😂I’m taking DHEA to boast my low AMH and coq10 for egg quality.

They say endo is linked to low progesterone as the estrogen dominates. I’m using a progesterone cream twice a day between days 6-26 of my cycle. In the event of a positive test my fertility specialist has issued progesterone pessaries which I’d take for till12 weeks even tho I’m only trying naturally; I think he knows progesterone is a possible issue for ladies with endo.

In reference to the awful issues you’ve suffered I agree next time I’m coming back as a man haha 😂 xoxo

Lu1u profile image
Lu1u in reply to

Wow Jess that’s so interesting about the progesterone cream and stuff- I’d not really thought about that- may do some more research! Where do you get that cream from? I took dhea for about 3-6 months a few years ago- but my ivf dr said I shouldn’t have taken it as my previous testosterone levels didn’t indicate I should and it could be detrimental for me.. so I stopped - but you hear so many mixed messages and I know loads of people say it worked for them .. I’ve had so many hormones injected and stuck up orifices in the last few years on the ivf- I don’t know what to take and what not to now lol! Or what’s caused what! The dr said it could have been scarring from ivf procedures that caused my narrowed cervix?!!

Anyway we will see if any of this surgery helps me or not.. I’m glad I had it done but I’m not sure how relevant it is for me as the ivf bypasses all those problem areas and that has failed 3x! But I live in hope so will prob try naturally next month - I’m tempted to try this month (but that wd be this week) and what with the weird bleeding I’m having (and being told by dr not to have sex for 3 weeks.. ) it will be next month.. when were you told you could have sex? I was surprised it was 3 weeks! I thought it would just be when you felt better?! -Which I don’t... at the moment anyway.. but just wondering!

Anyway I’m defo going to look up anti inflammatory diet and start taking bee propolis- so thank you for that!!

Make sure you chase up that hospital letter tom! Get it in black and white!! Xxxx

in reply to Lu1u

I got my cream from Biovea when I ordered the DHEA although you can buy it from eBay! The natural cream is the best 🙂

I spend way too long googling into endo & fertility! 🤣

The diet & bee propolis has really helped my symptoms a lot ( although still have bowel issues during periods that’s my only bad symptom I have now )

My surgeon didn’t say weird how they have different views, mind you I don’t remember much he said that day 😂; we decided to try after I had my period post op to clear any junk and give my body a month to heal 🙂 it’s up to you when you feel ready 🙂

Endo can definitely affect fertility in so many ways so it’s good to have it removed 🙂 the fact it’s been removed it very positive 😊 it could be why the IVFs didn’t work.

I honestly cannot understand why it isn’t standard to look for endo before having fertility treatment 🤦🏽‍♀️ so frustrating.

I’m excited to try again 😍 I think the break did do me good as it can get quite stressful at times xoxo

Lu1u profile image
Lu1u in reply to

Yes I totally agree- an enforced break is great sometimes as it does become a bit all consuming! I’m really happy for you that you feel more positive and are going to be trying again ASAP.. I’ve got everything crossed for you!!.. I’m sure our commitment and persistence to the cause will pay off eventually lol!! 😊.. Please keep me posted how you’re getting on! And thank you for all your useful info!! 😘 xxx

in reply to Lu1u

Haha yes I wouldn’t have volunteered a break that’s for sure 🤣

I definitely think our patience will be rewarded 😍

I will keep you posted and likewise love to hear how you get on . We can do this!😁 xoxo

C2691 profile image

Hi, it was day 6 after hysteroscopy and laparoscopy that I had absolutely no bleeding. It was quite heavy gushes for me too up until that point. X

Lu1u profile image

Thank you c2691- that makes me feel a bit better that I’m not the only one this has happened to! Hideous! .. hopefully it will settle down soon! .. just makes you wonder what on Earth is going on inside-(prob best not to know!!) xx

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Lu1u

I know! 🙈 I would say it sounds like the same as it was for me but maybe if it gets any worse give the ward a call? Hope you’re feeling better soon xx

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