I'm wondering if anyone can relate...
I was admitted to the hospital in April for severe right sided pain with my peroid and was diagnosed with what they thought was a simple 3.5cm ruptured hemorrhagic ovarian cyst. I had painful periods every month since and have been diagnosed now with what seems to be an endometrioma (low echo) that is now 5cms. My gyn put me on birth control (I'm 40 and haven't conceived with my hubby other than an ectopic years ago). My peroid is over and I've started the pill but this right sided pain is radiating and I have to take pain killers everyday. Does anyone know if their endometrioma pain got better being on the pill (marvelon)? I have pressure in my bum all the time and just this constant sharp pain where the endometrioma is. It's really getting me down and I just want it out but gyn wants to try 3 months constant birth control pill. It's hurts all the time. Any advice or stories are welcome. Endometrioma pain is making me feel down mentally as well as physically