Currently waiting for my 3rd laproscopy. 1st was to drain a painful endometrioma (8cm) of my right ovary, 2nd to have the endometrioma excised as it filled up and grew even larger (10-12cm).
I now have 4 endometriomas on this same ovary (biggest two are 3.5cm each) and made the decision to have them removed again prior to doing a second cycle of IVF. The decision is difficult, but I'm forced to have surgery ASAP due to already being in a constant state of bad pain from this ovary.
I'm looking for feedback on ladies who have had one or more endometriomas removed prior to IVF, and how their ovaries responded?
I have been told the surgery will probably cause damage to my ovary and it may not respond at all to the IVF drugs, so wondered how others had faired.
My first IVF was prior to any surgery and my ovary responded really well, despite having a 4-5cm endometrioma on it. But this was nearly 4 years ago and I'm also nearing 40 later this year.
Thanks in advance for any replies.