Pain after having Mirena coil fitted - Endometriosis UK

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Pain after having Mirena coil fitted

4 Replies

Hi everyone,

I had the Mirena coil fitted two weeks ago during my laparoscopy and I started having bad period pain and bleeding about 5 days ago which has slowly got worse and worse. The doctor has prescribed me tranexamic acid which is helping with the bleeding but not so much the pain. The doctor also asked me if there were any clots which at the time there had only been a few small ones but yesterday I was in a lot of pain and passed quite a large one. I don’t know if that’s relevant at all or whether I should talk to a doctor again about that?

I just wondered if anyone else had had a similar experience after getting the coil fitted or any tips for managing the pain?

Thanks 😊

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4 Replies
luthien profile image

tranexamic acid only reduces the amount of blood loss by restricting blood flow to the bleeding area. it doesn't do anything for pain, so that will need to be managed separately.

clots in bleeding happen when the blood flows too fast ie heavy bleeding, with periods our the uterus wall breaks down the body produces anti clotting factors to help that all flow out, sometimes when the flow is too fast not enough clotting factor can get to the blood and so clots come out. They may look horrible and feel like bits of you are falling out but they mean that your bleeding heavily.

the mirena coil wont produce any periods, you'll have breakthrough bleeding for a while, but the time you're on it / it's active it emits constant hormones and so you wont have cycles / no eggs produces.

it may be worth searching the posts or adding another post asking what peoples experieces are of the mirena; I think bleeding and pain are common side effects until your body gets used to the new level of hormones.

bakequeen profile image

I had a mirena fitted a year ago during a lap, I can honestly say it made my life absolute hell for a few months let’s say around 2-4 with symptoms changing slightly during that time, I so nearly got it removed but i’m glad now that I perservered, I had really bad bloating (looked 7 months pregnant) irregular bleeding although quite light, the pain was awfulllll I can remember about 3 times lying on my bathroom floor for hours in the middle of night unable to move and nearly phoned an ambulance!! I would get really nauseous too.

It got so bad pain wise I had to go back to the gp and they thought there was a chance the mirena had moved and I had to go for an emergency scan at the hospital, but it turned out to be in place still.

Sorry if this sounds scary to you, i’m just trying to be honest about my experience, everyone is different i’ve had friends have no problems whatsoever since the day it’s in, I however had quite a bumpy ride but can honestly say now life is a lot better than before I had it. I don’t really get bloated now, my periods are rare and usually only last 1-2 days, and really light, pain is much better too and I rarely get pains on or in between my periods. I think eventually my periods will stop altogether.

Do stick with it as long as you possibly can, it can take around 6 months of things getting worse before they start to improve, but mirena can be a life saver for many people! Also i’ve been told that when it comes out and (if) you get a new one to replace it these symptoms don’t start again like the first time it just carries on as normal.

Hope you feel better soon x

bakequeen profile image
bakequeen in reply to bakequeen

For the pain I had a hot water bottle most days for about 4-6 months! And also used naproxen and oramorph x

LolaLo3 profile image

Hi , sorry to hear this , I was fitted with Mirena Coil as my pain was every day I had suspected endo they wanted me to try the Mirena before lap, when they TRIED to insert it the pain was soo bad I screamed and cried the gynae that tried to insert it was horrible she said I don’t think it’s bad enough for you to scream I said ohh yes it is .. she then told me I would need a have a general anaesthetic couple week ‘s later I went to my local hospital to get coil fitted out to sleep when I woke up the pain was soo bad I was then sent home with paracetamol this was a Thursday by the Sunday night I was in so much pain I had to call nhs 24 they sent me to my local hospital then the hospital sent me to gynae ward , I was told to give it 5-6 weeks so I did but pain every single day leading up to 5 weeks later I was then admitted with having urine infection kidney infection and large blood clots I ended up in hospital for 2 week they took my coil out but was still getting bad pain they told me I had 4 ovarian cyts that’s was causing the pain I was told to wait for 3 months to see if the ovarian cyts had settled but they never I’ve been in so much pain every single day since the coil , I was then sent for my laparoscopy to find out I had endometriosis all over my abdomen and bowel also on my liver and diaphragm I’m now awaiting major op to remove what they can .. I know everyone body is different but I struggle with pain every day I do believe it’s got so much worse after my coil was fitted , I’m now on so many medications was recently admitted again due to my heart rate and blood pressure sky high my pain was so bad I’m now on morphine aswell as my meds , i would speak to your gp and if they say give it 5-6 weeks I would honestly ask they remove it if your pain and blood clots worsened .. I did get several scan’s to ensure coil was in correct place which mines was but because I have stage 4 endo that why I was in so much pain , hope this helps xx

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