I'm just trying to make sense of my recent diagnosis and would love any information or advice...
I had an ultrasound 2.5 years ago. They found fibroids. Endo was suspected so I was referred for laporoscopy. While waiting, the GP suggested trying the pill, so I took it back to back for 3 months. I had an immediate improvement in my symptoms (all gastro related symptoms completely gone & fatigue improved a lot). The lap didn't find endo so I was discharged & I stopped the pill. My gastro issues never returned but the fatigue has remained. Shortly after this, I started having hip & back pain. It's got pretty bad. I was referred to orthopaedics which was a 9 month wait. I had an mri and just got my results which was that I have stage 4 endo. I've been in such shock and trying to work it all out.
Is it possible that being on the pill meant my endo wouldn't be visible when I had the lap? And when I stopped taking it, it just all drew back? Or is this just a huge weird coincidence that I didn't have endo 2 years ago when I had the lap but I do now?
Also I'm wondering if I should go on the pill. I hate the thought of taking any medication especially synthetic hormones. Any advice would be so appreciated.