Hi, I was just wondering can you have endometriosis if it isn't found on your ovaries? My GP says she has seen it happen where endo is located to one area but not necessarily the ovaries. I was referred for a lap and she asked him to look on the bowel as we were certain ovaries would be clear but she suspected endo of the bowel. The surgeon was reluctant to even do the lap but he did it and afterwards his assistant informed us he didn't look at the bowel as ovaries were clear and it would of been on ovaries if it was elsewhere too. I was devastated. My GP was reassuring and suggested we just keep treating it as endo. Things are getting worse so I was referred to gastro, this time the thought was maybe induce a bleed and have a colonoscopy and see if endo can b found (I've previously had 3 colonoscopies-1 found something unidentified, 2 found nothing). The gastro won't do the test and feels it can't be endo of the bowel as it would be on the ovaries too and he reckons it would be very hard to find on colonoscopy anyway. They are going to test for other things and mean while I just feel lost. I'm on the pill constantly but I'm aware when off it, I get nosebleeds, sinus infections, severe pain, diarrhoea, severe leg pain, back pain, severe cramps etc etc. this tablet allows me to work but if I don't have endo then could I be exposing myself to higher risks from tablets in the future. my GP has discussed the idea of putting me into early menopause or upping hormone meds to ridiculously high amounts and I'm nervous about doing this. Just wanted to get other peoples opinions on your own experiences?