Argh any other ways to relieve period cra... - Endometriosis UK

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Argh any other ways to relieve period cramps

princessk09 profile image
27 Replies

I’ve tried hot baths, painkillers and a hot water bottle. It’s currently not helping and kinda making the pain worse.

I don’t know what else to try and need to reduce my pain as I have a physio appointment tomorrow and don’t want to be lay on my stomach in agony.

I haven’t been diagnosed yet but if I do have endo, I think it might be spreading as I’ve started getting blood in my stools during my period (sorry tmi). Should I go doctors tomorrow and explain as they may be able to speed my lap up

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princessk09 profile image
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27 Replies
Mswa profile image

I’ve tried buscopan which helps ever so slightly and Himalayan salt baths but not too hot as causes inflammation xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Mswa

Yeah I’ve tried bath salts and Epsom salts but didn’t help xx

tinkerbell971 profile image

Yeah I would go to your gp or is there a walk in centre where you could go tonight? I’m currently being referred back to gynae and my appointment is next month but my pains are so bad so I went the walk in centre last night and they rang gynae and gynae prescribed me some diclofenac suppositories and codeine and said they will try their hardest to bring my appointment forward. I’d say to go to a walk in centre or something because there most likely to do more than your gp, just say you don’t think you can last until your next appointment x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to tinkerbell971

I’ll try and get an emergency appointment in the morning for my gp and just explain how things have gotten worse and now I’m getting blood in bowel movements.

I’m just hoping my surgery is soon as I’ve been bed bound all day and painkillers even codiene doesn’t help x

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to princessk09

Is there any pain killers which you haven’t tried? See if they could get in touch with gynae and ask what they would recommend painkiller wise. Maybe ask if you could try diclofenac? I didn’t even know this drug existed till last night but after reading about it on here a lot of people have said it’s helped a lot x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to tinkerbell971

I might ask tomorrow for that one. It’s weird because I’m in so much pain yet have a light flow. Sorry if tmi haha

Mswa profile image

Definitely go to the doctors tomorrow xxx

I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering so much.

I have had 2 laps within 8 months; both times endo removed in pod and left endo on my rectum 🤢 so now I’ve been referred to a endometriosis specialist as it can’t be removed by just a gynaecologist. I also have bleeding from my backside during my period and blood in my stool again during my period. My GP has prescribed prednisone pessary to put in my butt gross I know🤢but does help prevent against infection.

Definitely see your GP ; it does need to checked over.Ask about stronger painkillers; they can prescribe morphine if your current painkillers aren’t working; I found very little has ever touched the pain when my endo recurs ( I’m prone to recurrence)

When I’d been referred for both my laps; I kept phoning regularly to see where I was on the list; I swear this is why I didn’t have that long to wait; I waited 2 months for each lap. Also it is worth asking to be put on a cancellation list; they still give you notice but you might been seen earlier; my first lap was a cancellation one. Sometimes it’s a case of he who shouts louder gets noticed he who is quiet gets forgotten about.

Good luck with it all xoxo

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

I have asked to be put on the cancellation list and I don’t even know which hospital I’m getting the lap at so I don’t know who to ring to find how far on the list I am.

I definitely need some morphine today. I’m getting scared that what if the endo is on my bowel and causing more damage as the days go on. It’s just strange how I’m having light flow but horrendous pains. Which makes me question whether it’s endo or not. Xx

in reply to princessk09

Aww bless you.

Phone your gynaes secretary; the secretary will have the details where your lap will be done; most likely be day surgery. And from that you can start checking where you are on the list. The nhs has a max of 18 weeks from when the referral is sent to you having treatment; in this case a lap.

When my endo is at its worst it affects my periods; sometimes they last less than a day; it does weird stuff to my cycles that’s for sure. 😂 I also suffer many bowel symptoms too. You have bowel and gynae symptoms with endo.

Please don’t doubt yourself; I did that when I had my 2nd lap thinking it couldn’t regrow so quickly felt I was going mad ; turns out in my case it can as I’m prone according to my fertility specialist 🤦🏼‍♀️ trust that you know your body better than any doctor. Definitely have the lap; you need and deserve proper answers xoxo good luck xoxo

For pain in the stomach i use a hot bean bag wrap or a clay heat wrap. Hot water bottles can sometimes make it worse i find, but the bean bag can help. I bought mine at a place called B&M, but you can get them online. They're great if you have a particular spot that hurts as the weight of it helps the heat to go deeper, but not hurt as much as a water bottle would. They're a long wrap, about as long as your forearm, full of beans. You place them in the microwave for a minute or two and the beans heat up. The weight of it helps the heat to go deeper, without hurting as a water bottle would. The heat spreads through the area. I find it really helps. I've linked one below. If you need it urgently, i believe holland and barrett do one in the form of a body pillow (most towns seem to have a holland and barrett).

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

Thank you, I will definitely look at this xx

Littlebirdy34 profile image

I'm getting bleeding from my rectum on my period. When my period eases one day so does the bleeding and when it's bad the bleeding is bad. I've been checked by my doctor for piles etc to rule that out but I get sharp pains up there every so often. Any bleeding from there is not right and do get it checked.

You could ring the admissions people as they deal with appointments for the hospitals. Should have a number on your letter, if not my doctor wrote a letter to say how urgent my referral was. Just a shame I'm going through the process again. When my pain is really bad my doctor said I could double my dose of codeine but you'd need to run this past your own doctor and you can not drive after. I also have to compensate this with lactulose as it can clog you up. Good luck x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Littlebirdy34

Yeah I get the occasional sharp pain in my rectum and it’s the most uncomfortable thing ever x

cmbxm profile image

Your GP probably won’t be able to do anything, best thing you can do is phone your gynaecologists secretary and explain it to her and she might be able to talk to the surgeon or hospital bookings to speed it up x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to cmbxm

I don’t think she has a secretary tbh and the gynae I saw scares me a bit 😂

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to princessk09

All gynaecologists scare me 😦😂 you should be able to find out on your hospital website or there might even be a general gynaecologist consultant secretary, if not phone the gynae desk and ask what to do x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to cmbxm

My favourite gynae is one I saw at spire, he was like so calm and funny. The last one I saw was a woman and she was so scary, I tensed up during the pelvic exam and she nearly shouted at me 😫

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to princessk09

Cos you’re not already vulnerable enough with a strangers fingers inside your business, some gynaes need a reality check, we’re humans not statistics 😱🙃 x

in reply to princessk09

Your gynae will have a secretary and the switchboard at the hospital should know who that person is. Your gynae is there to treat you don’t be frightened I’m sure she’ll be good xoxo

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

Yeah, my doctors won’t give me an emergency appointment today as they don’t think lots of blood loss and other things aren’t important xx

in reply to princessk09

What the hell; you’re in pain and losing blood through stools and they are refusing to see you? That’s disgraceful.

Phone 111 now; tell them all your symptoms and the GP is refusing to see; they will arrange for you to see a doctor today.

Please get this checked over xoxo

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

I can’t get an appointment till Wednesday morning and I’ve been up all night so I’m exhausted and in agony. The only appointments they had left are for babies apparently xx

in reply to princessk09

All I can suggest is to phone 111; they will get you an appointment today with a doctor xoxo

in reply to

Second thought. Does your doctors practice offer telephone appointments with a doctor? Your doctor will be able to hear the symptoms and prioritise you xoxo

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

I’ll try and ring 111 and no they don’t xx

in reply to princessk09

That’s a shame they don’t.

But all the best with 111 I have always found 111 really good. I used them a lot when my ex GP was unsupportive. Good luck let us know how you get on xoxo

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