Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a similar experience or could shed any light on this scary and confusing situation I’m in.
It will be 2 years in March since a lump was found on my abdominal wall by ultrasound. The radiologist was unsure but suspected an endometrioma.
I am now with a bsge consultant/surgeon and have a operation for excision scheduled this month.
What is making me increasingly nervous is the fact that he keeps telling me that they can not be sure that it is an endometrioma until the biopsy results come back and that it could be a desmoid or Sarcoma.
I have been waiting for this surgery for a very long time. I was not happy with the first surgeon I saw and asked to be referred to this centre as it is a specialist endometriosis Centre & then the hospital kept sending my appointment letters out to the wrong address and I am also having a joint surgery as I also need a hernia repair so the wait time has been very long.
I took comfort in the thinking that if they really suspected a sarcoma they would not have waited so long to give me this surgery but since seeing my consultant for my pre op assessments and hearing those words again I’m beginning to worry again.
Has anyone been in a similar situation at all or had a suspected endometrioma turn out to be a desmoid or sarcoma?
Thanks xx