Had my lap this morning, nothing was found apparently but waiting for my letter so keeping hope. Lap was done at a city an hour away and bladder pain on the way home nearly finished me off, I had to stop every 5 minutes crying to run to a toilet in literally any building. Is this normal? I literally can't sir down without it feeling like a knife up my urethra and I keep weeing constantly, help!
Lap and bad bladder pain : Had my lap this... - Endometriosis UK
Lap and bad bladder pain
The weeing a lot is normal but I can't say about the pain as I didn't have pain when I had to wee (had my lap on monday). But just because I didn't have that pain doesn't mean it's not a normal thing.
I hope it all gets better for you x
Thank you, it's agony to go and my wounds have started to hurt so hope it's just bc of painkillers wearing off and nothing else!
Yeah I got some pretty nasty twinge pains when the painkillers started wearing off so I took some tramadol that they had prescribed me as I was already taking it for the pain I was in anyway and just tried to avoid being in pain too early. So hopefully that is all your pain is!
No one even came to come tell me what I could or couldn't take, just told me to go home!
Wow! I finally managed to go for a decent wee so a nurse came checked my bandages. Then the main nurse came and talked me through the next time I could take some pain meds, gave me some spare plasters and my prescription in a clear bag (2 packs paracetamol, 2 packs ibuprofen and 1 lot of 28 tramadol) and just made sure I knew what I could do and when and said they'd ring me the next day to make sure all was well and that was it I left to go home haha they offered to wheel me to the door but I didn't want to wait any longer just wanted to leave and go to sleep 😂 sucks that they didn't go into it more with you they should have at least told you what to expect and given you some advice for the next few days!!
I also didn't have to pay for the prescription which was amazing the para and ibu was just like 20p packs you can get from any store but the tramadol would have cost me the usual prescription cost so I'm just happy to get it for free 😂
I had this really bad and then a uti, I discovered buscopan took the edge off the bladder and urethral spasms xx
Thank you, not even cocodamol has touched it and I'm willing to try anything
Nothing painkiller wise worked and I didn't get any sleep but it does go away. Make sure you take the full dose.
If you are in the uk the supermarkets sell it on the shelf, I spent a fortune x
Take 2 tablets four times a day, there is a buscopan for ibs and cramps just get the cheapest as both the same but labelling is for diff dosage depending on need x
After my lap in 2010, for the first couple of days afterwards, it was a little painful to wee. Nurse took sample in case was infection but it wasn’t and it went away within couple of days. Xx
Did it help Kate?
the constant pain has gone, in fact the only real pain I'm in is my bladder still, feels like someone is sitting on it and the constant forcing of the first night has given me piles! I'm getting there slowly, just need to be able to hold it in long enough to be driven home haha, thanks for all the advice! x

Oh no hope it eases off soon